Chapter 14

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—Yamato-Yamato pet the smooth fur of one of the red fox tails that was tightly wrapped around him

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Yamato pet the smooth fur of one of the red fox tails that was tightly wrapped around him. The sound of soft purring could be heard from the room as the blonde had slowly fallen back to sleep. Yamato smiles as the quiet purring tickled his chest, the vibration coming from the small blonde wedged between his arms.

Yamato carefully set the blonde back down on the bed, hoping he could last a couple more hours before he woke back up. He pried the blondes death gripping arms from around his waist and unraveled the orangish red fox tails around his body. Yamato quietly walked out of the room and to the kitchen to clean up from last night and try and find anything for the sleeping fox to eat.

Yamato silently made his bed/couch and picked up the empty to-go box he ate last night. He swept the floors and washed & put away the dishes, and had just begun making breakfast when the whimpering fox came in. Yamato had found a package of bacon in the back of the fridge and a couple of eggs stored in a container. The whimpering fox slowly walks to the kitchen counter and sits on a bar stool and slumps forward lying his head on the cool tile.

"Do you know just how painful growing eight more tails is like." wines the blonde fox.

"No? I don't think I've had the experience of growing a tail before?" Yamato replies chuckling.

"Well, MY ASS HURTS!" Growls the little kitsune. "EVERYTHING IS SO BRIGHT AND SMELLS WIERD AND IS SO FUCKING LOUD! ow... shhhh... stop yelling... oh it's me..." Yamato chuckles louder getting a growl from the grumpy blonde.

Naruto's blood red eyes suddenly widen and his pupils slit he lifts his nose up and takes in a breath of air. In a flash of red and yellow the blonde had jumped up onto the table and leaped at Yamato. Yamato let out a girly yell, 'In a manly way' and jumped out of the way.

Yamato opened up his eyes and stared at the blonde crouched over the package of bacon in the corner. The blonde growled and gripped the package of bacon and began to chew on a piece then slurped it up like a noodle. Yamato jumped up and snatched the package away before Naruto could grab another piece.

"Don't Just Eat Raw Bacon!" Yells the Anbu. "Your going to get sick you fucking ANIMAL!"

Naruto growls and yells, "Give That Back!"


"Tenzo, I'm going to beat the crap out of you if you don't give that back RIGHT NOW!"

"You. Promised. To never. Use my. Real. Name.
And No!!"

"Your living in my house. If you don't give it back you can go live on the streets!"


Naruto pounces at Yamato and chases him around the house the entire morning letting out screams and yells. Yamato quickly comes up with a plan and opens up a nearby window and throws the package of bacon out the window.

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