Vegas Baby

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Everyone waved as Jada, Jessica, Jazmine, and Taiya all got in the Range Rover that was scheduled to pick them up.

"Have fun, mama!" Charlie yells, you could see small tears in her eyes. All the kids held tears in their eyes, but smiles outshined them.

"We love you!"

The girls couldn't help but let a few tears fall. They didn't think living their family would be so hard but it was. As the car pulled off, Carter was running after it.

"Carter, wait!" Riley yells, about to run after him.

"Oh please stop the car!" Taiya yells to the driver who slows down and stops. Tee rushes out the car and hugs Carter tightly.

"Don't leave us, mama," Carter cries, holding onto her tightly. Taiya broke down. This wasn't even her full flesh, but Carter was her child before she even had children.

Riley ran and hug the both of them.

"She'll be home soon, Esco," Riley's voice cracked. "We'll see her soon, I promise."

Taiya kissed Carter on the head.

"Now you watch your brother and sister, okay? Don't let anything happen while I'm gone, okay?"

Carter rubbed his tears as he nods.

"I'll be back home and we'll have our cuddles and cook together before you know it. Just wave when you see ya aunties on TV."

Carter giggles and nods before hugging Taiya again.

"My heart," Jazmine says, tearing up.

"You're the one to talk," Jessica chuckles, pointing over to Jada who couldn't stop crying.

"It's just so sad, we're really leaving them."

Taiya finally gets back into the car, wiping her tears.

They drive to the airport where a jet awaited their arrival.

"Welcome ladies," John says, greeting the girls. They get on the jet and John explains what's gonna be happening. As he does so, Jada was scrolling on her phone.

"Are you shitting me??" She blurts, interrupting John.

Everyone looks up at her,

"Is something wrong, Jay?" Jessica asks.

"News about the engagement must've gotten out cause Cindy's all over Instagram and Twitter talking shit."

The mention of Cindy got Taiya's attention instantly.

"What's she saying?" Jazmine asks.

"Ladies, I know this is important to you but-"

Jada flips her phone screen, showing everyone else.

"Ohhh so bitches gettin married" it says, "I can't wait till bitches realize they Nigga only gon come back to a real G eventually."

"How'd she find out?" Jessie asks.

"Because Riley's still famous and news will still spread far asf," Jada replies.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about," Jazmine assures Taiya.

"It's not. I don't know what bullshit Cynthia is on, but it's nothing to really worry about."

Taiya nods, not thinking of Cindy's words too much.

"Can I finish now?" John asks.

"Sorry, dad," Jessica replies. John clears his throat and finishes.

Jada sends a quick text to Riley, warning him about Cindy's message.

"If she tries something while we're gone..." Jada knew some shit was gonna get real if Cindy was really gonna try something before their wedding.

They make it to Las Vegas, their first location and the girls were thrilled. Vegas was so beautiful and now that Jada and Jessica were finally of age, they can enjoy the magic of Vegas firsthand.

"Soo when is all the business shit over so we can shop?" Jada asks as they were getting off the jet.

"You'll have today all you to yourselves since we just landed. But tomorrow is all work ladies. I have a car arranged for you guys and you can do as you please. I have your hotel rooms and everything texted to you. The driver will be taking you there first. Have fun girls. Be safe."

The girls all squeal! Vegas to theirselves for a whole day and it was only 10:30am for them.

The girls get in their car and start planning their day.

"So let's get cleaned up and go to brunch," Jazmine suggests.

"Ouu a mimosa sounds so good right now," Taiya says.

Jada claps,

"Let's get this bitch poppin!"

The girls make it to their hotel and check get checked in. They all head separate rooms (all still similar).

Jada marveled at her room. This is how she was going to live for the next few months. Lavish, pampered, and rich as fuck!

Jazmine couldn't help but think of certain things she'd do to a certain retired domestic terrorist.

Jessica wasn't really impressed but happy with her living accommodations.

And then there was Taiya. She's never had her own room before. She would always share with Riley when they used to travel. But something about having her space made her smile.

"No more loud ass snoring."

The girls all took showered and regrouped in the lobby an hour later.

"So," Jessica says, "where to first?"

An evil smile appeared on Jada's face.

"Oh no," Jazmine already starts, "Don't give us that look, Jada."

"But I didn't say anything," Jada replies, innocently.

"That look is never good," Jessica says.

"Oh come on," Taiya says, "it shouldn't be that bad."

A few hours later, the girls were all racing rental cars around Vegas.

"Come on girls," Jada says over the phone, the girls all being in a connected call. "I know you can drive faster than that."

"Jada, you do know we'll get pulled over right?" Jazmine questions.

"That's if someone catches you!"

"This isn't GTA!" Taiya groans.

The girls did have a ball. They drove around the city, took pictures at beautiful places, drank, laughed, and just enjoyed being out.

"This is nice," Jazmine says later that night. The girls were sitting in a jacuzzi, drinking wine.

"This is," Taiya agrees. "No kids."

"No arguments over the last cookie," Jada groans.

"And no needy boyfriends asking us to handle them too," Jessica adds. The girls laugh.

"Well, fiancé for Taiya now."

"Shut up," Jessica wasn't at dinner so she didn't know about the engagement. "He proposed for real?"

Taiya lifts her hand showing the diamond on her finger.

"Oh wow. Riley's got good taste."

"To us," Jada says, lifting her glass. "To the start of an amazing tour. Let's show the world, who the fuck we are."


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