Welcome back home pt. 1

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"Don't look at Quincy Jones! Quincy Jones ain't gonna help you! Get your asses out! NOW!" ~Huey Freeman

Jada POV~

"Moommm! Candice is hogging the bathroom again!" A kid voice yells through the house. To be exact, my 8 year old son Jordan.

I groan.

"Candice, you're not the only person who has to go to school, please hurry!" I call to my daughter.

"But mom!" Candice, my 7 year old, whines. "I have to finish doing my hair!"

"Jay, just go in me and daddy's bathroom to get ready."

Jordan runs upstairs. Coming down after him were Charlotte and Jackson, my other two babies. Charlotte being 7 and Jackson being 8.

"You two ready already?" I asked. They nodded, going to the table to eat. I poured them some cereal and stood by the island in the kitchen.

"Does Uncle Huey come back today?" Jackson asks.

Huey took his kids and Jazmine to New York for the summer to visit some of their old friends and so Huey could do a few things for work.

"Yes, Uncle Huey comes back today," I tell him. "We're going to visit them after I pick you four up from school."

The two smiled, putting a spoon full of cereal in their mouths.

Charlotte and Jackson were like me. They got up early, knowing their sister would take up the bathroom, and got dressed so they wouldn't be late for school.

Candice and Jordan on the other hand, are a lot like Caesar. They take their sweet time doing everything and drag a lot in the morning.

"Where's papa?" Charlotte asks me. I look at the clock and groan once more. Speaking of, Caesar was still in bed.

"I'll wake him up, mama!" Jordan yells from the top of the stairs. I hear footsteps from his room to my room. I go upstairs and see Jordan jumping on my bed, trying to wake Caesar.

"Papa, papa, wake up!" He laughs, jumping up and down.

"Ugh, come on Jordan, lemme sleep," Caesar mumbles.

"It's time for school, papa! You're gonna miss the first day!"

"I've already went to school. I ain't missin nothin."

"Come on, babe, wake up," I tell Caesar. He doesn't budge and I roll my eyes. Jordan stops jumping and I go on my bed, sitting next to Caesar. I kiss Caesar on the cheek, making Jordan gag.

"Ew! Mama, that's nasty!"

"Why is that so nasty?" I asked him, a playful smirk on my face.

"Because, Carter says girls have cooties!"

"That was how you got here," Caesar says, grabbing me and kissing more. I smack him on the arm, laughing.

"Ewww!!" Jordan runs out the room.

"Get up," I tell Caesar, "We have to take the kids to school."

Riley POV~

"Carter!" I yell from downstairs. I scowled, knowing his ass won't coming downstairs unless I came up to get him.

"You want me to wake him up?" Taiya asks. I look over at Blaise and Jadea who were already at the table dressed and eating.

"Yea, he listen to you more than he listen to me."

Taiya nods, going upstairs to wake up Carter. I was surprised with how much he listened to her when she was only his step mama. Shit, he did more for her than he ever do for me.

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