After School

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Huey POV~

"So, who's taking who?" Riley asked Jada and I. We had 30 minutes before the kids got out of school and we needed to figure out who was going where for their after school activities. 

"Well, Jadea, Holly, and the twins have dance today," Jada says. "So I can take them."

"Andre, Jack, Jay, and Carter got boxin so I can take them," Riley says.

"So that leaves me with Blaise and Rylee," I state. 

"He's got violin practice today," Riley tells me, looking at my phone. "Can you take him?"

"Yea. Jazmine is still trying to find something for Rylee to do, so I guess I can see if she's interested in that."

"Well, then it's settled."

We all got into our own cars and drove to the children's school. Waiting outside of the school in the parking lot was Donte, drinking out of a mug.

"Freemans!" He calls. We all waves, walking over to him.

"How you been?"

"Happy," Donte answers. "I missed being at home with my wife and son."

Donte and Jessica were the only ones out of us that actually got married. They eloped since Jessica didn't want a big spectacle about things, but it was still nice.

"That's good to hear," Jada says. "Any plans for the rest of the day?"

"Riley was telling me about the boxing program you guys put the boys in. I was thinking about maybe checking it out for August."

"That'll be good for him," I agreed. "Especially since it'll help build his endurance. Your kid is kind've wimpy."

"Don't call Auggie wimpy!" Jada smacks me on the arm.

"McHater aint wrong," Riley agreed. "August does need to build more muscle."

"That's what years of living with his mama does," Donte says. The bell rings and soon, kids come pouring out from the school.

"Here comes our little group," Riley chuckles.

"Daddy!" Holly waves, running up to us. Rylee was gripping her hand as the rest of the children followed.

"How was school, lovelies?" Jada asks them.

"I drew a dinosaur today, mama!" Jordan lifts a crayon filled piece of paper. It was green but didn't resemble much of a dinosaur.

"No, look at mine, Auntie Jay," Carter lifts his and it looked a lot more like a dinosaur than Jay's.

"They both look really good boys," Jada giggles.

"That's my boy," Riley chuckles, "Drawing jus like his pops."

"What do we have planned today, daddy?" Jadea asks Riley. Out of all the commotion, the only one quiet was Rylee. 

"Don't we got dance today, mama?" Charlie asks. 

"Yes, you do. I'm taking you, Candy, Holly, and Jade to dance today. So, let's get going."

"Bye daddy," Holly hugs me before running off with Jada.

"Oh yea, you boys are coming with me. Well, except you Blaise."

"I know, daddy," the small boy replies. He walks over to me. "Are you taking me to violin practice today, Uncle Huey?"

"That is correct. Rylee is coming with us," I say, looking down at my daughter. She gripped my pant leg as I tried to move. I gave a confused look, picking her up. "How about we get a snack before Blaise goes to violin? We have time."

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