All the way fucked up

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Hi guys! Before I get into the story, I just wanted to update everyone on some things if I haven't already.

A few months ago (about 5 or 6) I found out that I was pregnant. Of course, my boyfriend (now fiancé) were very excited and started planning for our bundle of joy. About 2 months ago, however, we found out that we're expecting twins (boys!) and that definitely changed a lot for us. 

I am currently on maternity leave so the boys don't come early, however this is my first pregnancy and my body isn't used to creating life (two lives at that) so I don't have as much energy as I would normally. I also have a baby shower and arrival of the boys to plan for so my time is very limited. I will try as often and as hard as I can to update as much as possible. So please be patient and bare with me. 

Anyways, enjoy!

No One POV~

Jada couldn't believe it. He really wasn't paying her the money he owed. John of all people was acting like Jada and the girls were doing this for laughs and a good time but they had families to feed. They had bills to pay. Shit, they needed weed before this next show and the chump change in their accounts wasn't cutting it.

"I say we go in that bitch and fuck him up for real," Jada suggests the following day.

"We can't do that," Jessica says, "and I'm not even saying that cause he's my dad. Fighting him won't do anything be delay our process. We have to embarrass him somehow. Get the media involved.

"How would you suggest?"

"What if we used our talents?" Jazmine chimes in. 

"Use our talents? What do you mean?" Jada asks.

"We could record a song and basically out what he's been doing to us."

Jada thought for a second but a better idea came up.

"We can use that but some simple ass concert or video won't be enough. I wanna fuck some shit up on some Lemonade kinda shit."

"What if you guys live recorded you singing and destroying the actual company office?" Taiya suggested. Jada smiles. "I could dress you guys and we could have Hiro live cast it not only online but play you guys singing inside the actual building."

"I'm definitely down for that idea," Jessica agrees.

"Same here," Jazmine adds.

"Then lets do it!"

The girls coordinated with Hiro who was more than happy to help. As their producer, he was being cut funds too so this was a form of his payback too.

Taiya picked out black leather body suits for the girls to wear with black thigh high boots. They all wore red lips stick with different hair styles. Jessica's hair was in a bun, Jazmine's in a high pony tail, and Jada's hair was in a braid. 

Hiro was able to hack the PA system to head pieces he gave the girls. 

Music plays as the office grows confused as to what was going on. From downstairs, the receptionist watched as the girls walked in with bats in hand.

Jada: Yayo-yayo, mula la. Yayo

Jada swings her bat, smacking the first glass wall she saw.

The girls: Bitch better have my money!

Jada: Ya'll should know me well enough

The girls: Bitch better have my money!

Jada: Please don't call me on my bluff

The girls: Pay me what you owe me!

Jada: Ballin bigger than Lebron

This is for you, GranddadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora