Proper Practice

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Huey POV~

It was Monday morning and my alarm was going off. I turn it off, rubbing my eyes. Jazmine yawns, stretching. 

"Do you wanna get the kids ready or do breakfast?" I asked.

"I'll get the kids ready," Jazmine replies, getting up. I nod, going downstairs to start on breakfast.

Downstairs, Andre was at the table waiting for everyone to arrive. 

"Good morning," I chuckled.

"Morning, dad," He replies, looking at one of my newspapers.

"You're up early?"

"I couldn't really sleep. The bird outside my window started chirping really loud again."

"I already told you I could-"

"No thanks, dad. I'm fine."

I shrug, going over to the Keurig to make my coffee for the morning. Andre watches me as I grab my mug.

"Can I have some?" he asks.

"Coffee?" I raise a brow. He nods. "Why do you want coffee?" 

"You drink it everyday. I wanna try."

I shrugged, pouring a bit of my coffee in one of his mugs.

"You know I don't put any cream or sugar in it, right?" I remind him.

"I know. I don't like that stuff anyways."

Andre takes a sip, smiling. I was surprised. I knew he was like me but not that much.

Andre was almost like the younger version of me. He wore his afro out, he didn't really like being around people (other than his own family), and he was really into politics. He was pretty serious for a kid. I was only serious growing up because of the death of my mother, but he was just born that way.

"Good morning, daddy!" I hear. I look over to see my oldest child come downstairs ready to go. Her curly strawberry blonde hair was in a bun and she wore a pink shirt with a black skirt and a blue jean jacket. She wore a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, princess," I greet, kissing her on the head.

"What's for breakfast?" Holly asks.


She nods, sitting next to Andre.

"What're you drinking, Dre?"

Andre looks over at me before saying,


"No fair!" I hear a pout.

Rylee stood at the entryway of the kitchen and had her arms folded.

"What's not fair, Rylee?" I ask.

"How come Andre gets to have coffee and me and Holly don't?"

I chuckled, if I denied her she was going to cry and I'd rather not hear all that.

Even though Holland looked a lot like Jazmine, Rylee acted a lot like her. She cried a lot when she didn't get her way and constantly whined. However, Rylee was the spitting of her uncle (reason why we named her after him) and acted a lot like him when he was younger as well.

Holland, however, was honestly like her own person. She didn't cry when things went bad but she was filled with emotions too. Holly was mostly happy and loved talking about romance. She was a dancer like Jazmine but liked to fight like me. 

"You can try some coffee," I said. "But I don't think you'll like it."

"Andre likes it," Holland points out.

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