Trying to put it Together

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Robert: Hey Riley, don't forget the camcorder. Now the first Soul Plane was funny. 

Huey: Almost as funny as a lynching.

Robert: Hush boy! You ain't even see it.

Huey: I've never seen a lynching either, but I know they're funny.

Robert: See! Shows what you know. I've seen funny lynchings.


Riley POV~

I didn't tell Tee about Cindy coming over and told the twins to keep it a secret also. It's not that anything was finna go on but I didn't want to Tee thinking anything. 

As promised, I had planned to take Carter to our studio and paint a little. I wanted to see what he had to say about me and Taiya getting married and run a few things by him. I dropped the twins off at Huey's and we headed to our destination.

On our way, I got a phone call from an unsaved number.

"Hello?" I respond, making my voice deep in case it's someone for business.

"Waddup doe!" I hear Jada say on the other line. I instantly smile,

"That's the deal, sis? You good?" (A/N: Sorry I'm from Detroit and it's hard not to use our lingo lol)

"I'm straight, been having fun. How are you?"

"Been straight. Wait, who's number is this?" I asked.

"Don't worry about all that. Whatchu doin?"

"In the car with Carter right now. He can hear you."

"Hi auntie Jay!" Carter chimes in. 

"Oh shit, what up Esco! How's my nephew doin?"

"I'm good!"

"What are you boys up to?" Jada asks.

"Heading to the stu to paint a lil bit. What ya'll girls been up to?"

"Enjoying the cities and singing. You know how tour is."

I chuckle, contemplating on telling Jada about Cindy.

"Aye, sis."


"So, Cindy came over yesterday."

"And it was weird!" Carter adds.

Jada laughs,

"What was weird about it?" 

"Auntie Jay, she wanted to eat dinner at the house. Ma never does that."

"Eat dinner? Reezy take me off speaker."

I do so and put one of my headphones in.


"She came over for dinner for real?" Jada questions.

"Yea, even though I ain't even want her to do that."

"How was it? I mean, I know how it is now with you two but like.... did ya'll argue in front of the kids or anything?"

"Nah," I say, taking a turn, "It wasn't actually bad. But it is weird, like Esco said."

You could hear someone say something in the background before Jada goes,

"Okay! I'm comin, damn! Okay well I gotta go, Reezy. We'll have to talk more about it later on but I would stay on guard. You want me to-"

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