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Kid: Are you gonna rape us?

Prisoner: Do we look like priests? We ain't gonna hurt no kids.


Jada's POV~

The rumors were starting to grow more intense with Riley and Cindy. Many even thought he was getting back with her. I knew the story behind most of what was going on, though. 

Cindy's plan was simple. She wanted to drive a wedge between Taiya and Riley. She was making sure she knew who was in place and where so they could get shots of Cindy out with Riley to make Taiya jealous. That would cause Taiya to think Riley's cheating and leave him. 

I made sure to get Jessica in on this so that if things got outta hand, I had someone else to help handle it.

"You sure you don't wanna tell Taiya? Just so she's not worried and thinking Riley's cheating on her or something."

"He's not. And even if she did know, she'd know that. I think I'll have Riley tell her though. It's best to hear it from him then us."

Jessica nods as Jazmine enters the room.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Your bestie," I say, looking over at Jazmine. She frowns,

"I told you to stop calling her that."

"Hey, you still communicate with her ass."

"Actually," Jessica chimes in, "Do you know anything about her and Riley?"

"How Riley's been asking her to hang out?"

I chuckled, 

"Is that what she's telling you? See, I knew it!"

"Knew what?" Jazmine instantly grew confused and I shook my head.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, Jazzy. This'll be something we handle ourselves. Just tell your friend she needs to watch it."

As Jazmine was leaving, Taiya runs into the room. I could tell something had upset her.

"What's wrong, Taiya?" Jessica asks.

"This," she shows us her phone and all the pictures with Riley and Cindy, "This is what's wrong."

Our eyes widened. The top photo was with Cindy holding onto Riley arm as they walked. This definitely could've been taken outta context.

"Now Taiya, before you get upset," I begin, but she wasn't having it.

"I thought you said I could trust him," she says.

"You can! You just gotta listen to us real quick."

I could see tears starting to form. Taiya was really hurt by this. 

"Come here," Jessica gets up and sits Taiya on my bed. "We'll explain everything to you."

"So you guys know what's going on?" 

"I've known for a while," I say, "but it's literally not what you think."

After explaining and showing Taiya the message between Riley and I, she calmed down. 

"So this is Cindy's way of trying to make Riley look bad?" She asks.

"Make you look bad, make Riley look bad. She wants you both to split so she can get her spot back," Jessica says.

"Well, what do I do?" Taiya asks.

"Talk to Riley first. Let him know that you know."

"What about Cindy?"

"Oh, I got a plan for her ass. I just gotta wait until the right time to do it."

Once Taiya knew about Riley and Cindy, it was like she wouldn't stop hearing about it. Everywhere we went as talking about it. The news, the paper, social media, people. Everyone. It was almost taunting. A constant reminder that she wasn't home but she was.

We were getting ready for a show, Taiya starting on my make up first. 

"I heard a rumor," I say, eyes closed. 

"About what?"

"Cindy. Apparently she's supposed to be going on tour but her first location is somewhere in LA."


I chuckled,

"She's supposed to be airing out the rumors about her and Riley there. I think we should go."

"What about our tour?"

"What about it? It's not like we can't come back in time for our shows and shit. I think we should go and tell that bitch off in front of all her fans."

Taiya didn't say anything for a second so I opened one eye,

"No, don't open your eyes," Taiya orders. "But okay, I'm in."

After a moment, I broke the silence,

"Don't worry, okay? I mean about the rumors and stuff. That's all they are and they'll all be put to rest soon enough."

I had already told Jessica about the plan before talking to Tee so she was already in. It was all up to see if Jazmine would go too.


"No? Why the hell not?" I question.

"Because, Jada, Cindy is still my friend," Jazmine replies.

"Your friend that's trying to sabotage your other friend's relationship."

"And I understand that. But I don't want any part in it, okay? You guys can go and I'll handle whatever we have to do here. But I'm not getting involved."

I rolled my eyes, not pressing the matter further. I guess it'll just be the 3 of us then....

Taiya POV~

After the show, I called Riley.

"Hey baby," he greets. I could tell he was happy to hear from me, but for now that didn't matter.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. I could hear him moving and then a sigh.

"You found out?"

"You didn't think I was?"

"No, I knew you would. I just wanted to get things figured out before you did. I didn't want to come to you then worry you about it."

"Then what's going on?" I question. He sighs, explaining how Cindy would just appear at places he'd be at with the kids and how the kids would get cut out of photos. 

"So there's nothing going on between you guys?" I ask him.

"No," he replies, confidently. "It's nothing going on, Tee. I promise."

I sighed, 

"Well it'll be taken care of."

"Wait, Jay finna do something?" Riley asks.

"Not just her. I'm tired of trying with Cindy, Riley. I've been nice to her for years and she's done nothing but rude and try to ruin our relationship. This is when I have to put my foot down."

I hear Riley chuckle,

"Well I won't stop you."

After a moment of silence, I finally said,

"No more Cindy too. No more coming to the house when I'm not there and hanging out and shit. That's all done."

"You got it, no more," Riley agrees. "I love you, Taiya. Please don't forget that."

"I know baby. I love you too."

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