Pennies outta Pocket

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No One's POV~

The girls noticed something off about their check as of lately. With them selling out almost every show and working every night, they expected to be getting more than what they were.

"These almost look like the old JEC checks we used to get," Jazmine points out after Jada brought up the matter.

"As I think about it, it kinda does," Jada agrees. 

"Shouldn't it be a lot more," Taiya asks, "You guys are played on the radio and your music is streamed all over. How come you aren't making more?"

"What if it has something to do with John's new girlfriend?" Jazmine suggests.

John had been getting cozy with a woman he met in the industry. At first, the girls were happy for him for finally being able to move on from Jessica's mom but the new cars, clothes, shoes, and wigs he was buying this girl was ridiculous.

"What do you think, Jess?" Jada looks over at her best friend who was on her computer, quietly looking at something. 

"I'm comparing what we're making now and what Dante made when he was on tour and he made significantly more than us," Jessica turns her computer and shows the girls the comparison.

"Holy shit, that's a lot," Taiya says. "What should we do?"

"I think we should talk to John first," Jada says. "It's gotta be a reason for this. He wouldn't do anything like that to us."

Jessica wanted to believe that but she knew her father wasn't dumb. He wouldn't accidently short them money unless he had a real reason too. 

"I'll talk to him," she says, "I wouldn't want us all to take time to go all over to the office if we have other engagements. You can handle the rest of the day without me."

"Are you sure?" Jada asked, "We can go with you, Jess."

"I want to go alone, if that's okay." 

Jessica didn't want to tell the girls that she hadn't heard from her dad in a while either. Ever since he got his girlfriend he stopped answering her calls and texts. She wanted to know what was up with that too.

Jada agreed to let Jessica handle it but she did want to tell the boys about everything to get their opinions on it.

"As long as they don't try and fly here and kill anyone, I don't care," Jessica responds with a chuckle. 

Jessica gets on their private jet to fly to John's private office. It was a tall building where other artists signed under the company worked. There were studios, award plaques, and other monumental items flashed on the walls.

"Oh, hi Jessica!" The receptionist greets, smile on her face. 

"Hi, is my dad here?" She asks.

"I'm not sure. You can go check up in his office if you'd like."

Jessica nods, going towards the elevator. She could see a good chunk of the building as she went up. Getting to the right floor, the girl made her way to her father's office who's door was left ajar.

Knocking, Jessica poked her head in to see her father packing his things for the day.

"Oh! Jessica! What a surprise," He says, seeming happy to see her.

"Hi dad," Jessica says, scowl on her face.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't look happy."

"Because I'm not. You've been avoiding my calls and texts, shorting our checks, what the hell is going on?"

"Jessica Evans! Watch how your mouth. Now what is it you're talking abou-" before John could finish, his phone rings. "Hello? Oh yea, I'm coming down right now, love. I'll be there in just a few minutes. Okay. Alright. Goodbye."

"Who's that?"

"Angelica. We had dinner reservations to get to. Can we continue this conversation later, dear?"

"Are you serious?" Jessica questions. "Dad, this is important. Way more important than dinner with your little girlfriend."

"I'm sorry, Jess. I promise I'll call you later tonight."

John gets up, kisses Jessica on the head, and walks out. Jessica couldn't believe it. He really just left her, his only child, for some tramp he met in a conference.

As she was about to leave, Jessica noticed John's computer still on and peaked out the door to make sure no one was coming back. She saw him downstairs with Angelica and watches them leave. Jessica closes the office door and goes over to the computer. 

John was the one who handled their money and saw how much they were making per show, stream, and sale. Jessica logs in (already knowing the password to John's log in) and her eyes widen. She takes pictures of what she sees, logs out, and leaves.

"Were you able to talk to him?" The receptionist asks as Jessica hurries out. 

"Oh, yea," Jessica puts on her best smile, "thank you so much. Have a great day!"

As she leaves, Jessica calls Jada.

"Did you talk to him?" She asks on the other line.

"I was able to do a lot more than that."

Getting back to Miami, the city they were in for a few days, Jessica shares what she learned with the girls. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?? We're making 4 times more than any show Dante ever had and he's shorting us over 1 mil for some bitch?" Jada yells. She couldn't believe it.

"How do you know he's spending it on her?" Jazmine asks.

"I checked his bank statements too. He's been transferring money into his personal account and sending some of it to Angelica too," Jessica tells them.

"Who the hell is that?" Taiya asks.

"His new bitch apparently."

The boys were shocked to hear what John was doing. They were surprised him of all people would even think about stealing money from them. 

"He does know all of you have kids, right?" Huey asks. They had group facetimed him, Riley, Caesar, and Dante on Jessica's computer.

"He's well aware since one of those kids are his grandson," Dante says. He was visibly angry (like the rest of the group) and felt betrayed his father in law would even think to do that. 

"Can't he get into a lot of trouble for that?" Caesar asks. "That's illegal right?"

"Very," Jada replies, "But John isn't an idiot. He'll change everything and say the proof we have is fabricated."

"Well then I guess this means we put John to war," Huey says. 

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