Being a Caesar

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I'm so sorry y'all 😭 I had the chapter ready to update but forgot to update.. I had spent the day with my boyfriend. But here y'all go 😂 enjoy!

Riley: "Gangstalicious got shot!
Robert: "Again?"
Riley: "We gotta do something!"
Huey: "I've got an idea! Why dont we go to college so we don't end up like Gangstalicious?"

Caesar POV~

It was the weekend and the kids were up earlier than usual.

"Give me the remote back!" I hear Candice scream.

"No, I had it first, Candy!" Charlotte protests to her sister.

"It's 6 in the morning," I groan. "Why are they all up?"

Jada groans as well, turning over.

"I don't know but I woke up with them last weekend. It's your turn."

I forgot it was my weekend. I get up, stretching.

"You wanna he-"

"No. You didn't help me. I'm not helping you. Now go, you're interrupting my sleep."

I roll my eyes, putting on some basketball shorts and walking downstairs.

Getting downstairs, Charlie and Candy were fighting over the remote while Jack and Jay were in the kitchen making a mess with cereal.

"What the hell is going on?!" I question. Everyone stops in their tracks.

"Good morning, papa," they all say, sheepishly. I take the remote from the girls.

"Why're you two fighting?" I asked.

"Because, papa, I had the remote first and Candy tried to take it from me!"

"Candice," I groaned.

"But, papa, I don't wanna watch Sonic X! I wanna watch My Little Pony."

I turned on ESPN and both girls pouted.

"Now we're gonna watch basketball highlights," I tell them. I go into the kitchen and look at the huge mess the boys made.

"Jackson and Jordan, what the hell did you do in here?"

"We tried to make cereal, papa," Jackson says, his head hanging low.

"Yea, papa, we didn't mean to make a mess," Jordan apologizes.

I facepalm. These kids were going to put in me into an early grave.

"Start cleaning this up, boys. I'm going to grab some more paper towel and help."

The boys start picking cereal up from the floor as I go into the pantry and grab paper towel.

"What are we doin today, papa?" Candice asks.

"Can I go to Auntie Jess' house?" Charlotte asks.

"Ohh, can I go to Uncle Huey's house?" Jackson asks.

"I wanna go see Uncle Reezy and Carter!" Jordan announces.

"No," I say simply.


"I said no. You four always go over your aunt and uncles houses and never bother them. I think today we're all going to do something as a family."

"Ew," Candice folds her arms, "Who wants to do something as a family?"

"I wanna do family stuff!" Charlotte cheers.

I chuckled. Even though the girls were twins they both had two totally different personalities.

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