As Times Passed

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My gosh it's been a while since I've updated. A lot has happened since the last time I've posted. I am now a mother of two. I have twin boys (Stephon jr. and Micah) and they are the absolute cutest! So most of my time is spent raising and caring for them. I also work full time too so whenever I'm home I'm either sleep or with the twins. I won't be posting any pictures of them on here but if you want to follow me on Instagram I have pictures of them on there (IG: Anyway, onto the story!

No One's POV~

"Candice!" A yell echoed through the hallways. The yell belonged to 16-year-old Charlotte Freeman-Caesar. "Get out of the bathroom! I need to pee!"

The time was 6:30 AM and the Freeman-Caesar family had an hour and a half to get ready before the first bell.

Occupying the bathroom was Candice. She sat in front of the bathroom mirror, applying make-up.

"Use the other bathroom! I'm busy!"

"Jordan is in there! Come on, Candice!" 

"Candice, get out the bathroom!" Caesar yells. Candy groans, opening the door. 

"Loudmouth," She mutters as she bumps past her sister. 

Caesar sighs, watching his other daughter roll her eyes as she hurries into the bathroom. Jada was doing a lot of brand deals and press events so for the next month or so she wouldn't be home. That left Caesar to take care of his children alone. 

"You guys got 25 minutes before school starts and it's still a 10-minute drive!" Caesar calls from the dining room. He sips his coffee, scrolling through his phone.

"Morning, pop," Jackson greets, coming downstairs. The 17-year-old makes himself a cup of coffee and sits next to his father.

"Morning, Jack. Sleep good?"

"More or less. Talk to mom lately?"

Caesar nods, taking a sip,

"This morning actually. She called me before she started her Shein shoot. Said she loves you guys and she's hoping she'll be home soon."

Jackson smiles, he missed having his mom around. There would always be more peace when she was there.

Charlotte comes downstairs next, starting her morning tea

"Good morning, Jackie! Good morning, papa," She kisses her father on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, Charlie. You."

Charlotte flashes a smile,

"As good as I can be!"

Caesar smiled. As Charlotte's grown, she's becoming more like her mother by the day. Caesar was proud of the children they've raised.

Jordan walks downstairs next, just giving everyone a nod. 

"Good morning to you too, grumpy pants," Charlotte giggles. 

"If you weren't on that phone all night, you would've gotten some sleep, sunshine," Jackson chuckles.

"Mind your damn business," Jordan mutters at his twin. 

"Language," Caesar reminds. Looking down at his watch, Caesar groaned. "Candice! You have 3 minutes!"

Candice walks downstairs, 

"I'm coming, geez. Jackie and Charlotte will be okay if their perfect attendance is ruined by a day."

"Speak for yourself," Jackson says, getting up, "We would've left you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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