21 - Rob

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I woke up glancing at the clock. Three pm. Fucking hell. We had finally kicked everyone out by about eight ish, and by we I mean me. Dylan had collapsed on the sofa by two am leaving me to put him the bed. I hastily threw on some clothes, joggers and a top to start the clean up and make some food, my stomach craving sustenance.

As parties go, this was fairly tame. Most just alcohol bottles strewn everywhere and spilt liquid. However there were a few suspect stains that I was gonna break the steamer out for because I didn't want to touch that with bare hands. For now I opted for toast. Pushing some bottles aside with my sleeve of my jumper pulled over my arm, I pulled toaster and plunged. I flicked through my phone news app quickly, switching to Facebook as there was nothing of real interest. I chuckled at a dad joke as I heard familiar creak of the stair. I admit I was impressed he was up this early.

He was pale and a little green but he looked fairly ok as hangovers go. A little too serious. Dylan sat down at the breakfast bar and picked an apple from the fruit bowl. Rolling it in his hands, not acknowledging me as my toast pinged. I spread some butter and marmite, god I missed it, before finally breaking the silence.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Are you sleeping with Jamie?" He replied.

I choked on my food, coughing before I could reply, "What makes you say that?"

"Last night, during the game, she looked mad. More mad than I've seen her. Like possessive," Dylan shrugged still not looking at me, "And you have a new mystery girl so it doesn't take much to put it together."

"Look Dylan I had no intention...."

"I don't care!" He signed, "Just treat her right. She clearly really likes you and took a huge chance. She," he paused, "she deserves to be treated right."

"I know," I replied, understanding what he was getting at, "I will."

Dylan finally looked up at me. He smiled weakly, a small half smile that looked like it took effort, "Good. I hope you guys are happy."

I nodded, not sure how to act, "We are."

He nodded and climbed out his chair, taking a bite of the apple he had been playing with and returning up the stairs. I didn't know how to feel about that encounter. On the one hand I was glad he knew, but something about the whole exchange left me with a feeling of guilt. I knew it was stupid because I didn't break them up, but still.

I was pulled from my train of thought by the sound of my phone ringing. Glancing at caller ID, I saw it was my sister. I hadn't yet told her I was still staying at her house and I certainly hadn't told her why I was still in the UK. I debated letting it ring, but knew if I did that she would keep calling or worse, try video calling. I opted for the least painful option.

"Hey Poppy."

"Rob? Can you hear me?" She asked.

I smirked, "Yeah I can hear you sis. How's your holiday?"

"Good. Good. As much as I felt guilty for leaving you when you had come to visit us, it was so nice to get away. Especially as a Christmas present," she said. She sounded so calm and at ease I couldn't be mad at her for wanting to get away, "How about you? Did you get home alright?"

"Actually I'm still staying at yours, I hope that's ok," I said slowly.

"Oh," she said, shock evident in her voice, "How come you haven't gone home?"

"I umm wanted to see some more of Dylan," I began, "And I umm... I met someone."


"Look I know, I know. Last time I moved country but that won't happen this time," I sighed, "It can't happen this time. I'm too set up in Canada."

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