12 - Robert

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I wanted her again. That much was obvious to us both. I couldn't help feeling embarrassed by my lack of stamina it had just been too much all at once. I had had a beautiful young woman that wanted me, desired me even, despite everything and yet I couldn't keep it up for five more minutes. And now he she was, my shirt loosely draped around her frame, inches from me, also wanting again. Teasing me as she had before. I was at her mercy. I released the fabric to return to cooking but she caught my hand, placing it instead on her breast over the shirt, moaning softly. That sent a pulse straight to my loins.

"Robert..." Her whimpering reply.

"You're playing with fire now," I murmured.

She released my hand, "I'm sorry. I just thought..."

I captured her lips with mine. I never wanted to see that doubt, that timidity again. Tonight she had been so confident and so in control, a far cry from the awkward girl at Christmas. When she had so confidently stood and unzipped her skirt, the exhilarating thrill brought on by her confidence and the, dare I say it, lust that spiked within me was enough to make me feel powerless under her gaze. That is the feeling I had returned to in this moment as I kissed her. Masculinity be damned, I enjoyed this powerless feeling. And she didn't even realise what she was doing.

"You think you can wait for your pancakes?" I murmured as I pulled my lips away.

She pressed her forehead to mind, "That depends. Are you going to make it worth my time?"

I grinned stupidly, "I'll damn well try."

"Then I'll try and wait."

"Upstairs." Was all I could murmur.

She grinned before running up the stairs. I chased her, pulling her into my bedroom with a playful squeal escaping her lips. My arms wrapping her from behind, I fell onto my back on the bed, her back pressed to my front, before fastening my lips on her neck. Her laughter became moans as my hands loosened and tranced the lines of her body. The shirt fell open, exposing her completely. I watched the deep rise and fall of her chest as she gasped as my fingers snaked down her body, over the curls of hair, and found the nub of nerves. A needy groan confirmed my findings. I flicked the nub, groaning as her response was to squirm her hips right into my growing erection. I was hard, painfully so. I knew the weight of her on my chest couldn't be sustained, but I wanted to get her off first. I tortured her hard nipples with my fingers loving the juxtaposition of hard and soft of her breast. I tasted the sweat on her skin as I ravaged her neck, marking her as mine all while my fingers worked her clit, pulling soft moans from her. She wasn't a screamer, that much I noticed, but she was a wriggler. Her hips grinding mine only acted as a reminder of her painfully hard I was. Her hands, thus fair clenching the bedding, braced themselves. One on the foot on the bed to her left and one clenching my forearm. Her increased panting let me know how close she was as well as the nails digging into my flesh.

"Dew it," I said, mimicking the Emperor's voice.

"You choose now to quite Star Wars?" She whimpered.

I leaned into her ear, "Cum for me. Cry out."

My fingers left her breast and slowly teased her opening, never pushing in but teasing the skin just above. The two handed assault was enough to tip her over and she came gasping out 'yes' as she did so. She hips pressed violently down onto my crotch, pulling a moan from me as need flooded through me, the front of my pants damp with pre-cum.

"You said you would make it worth my time," she teased, panting.

I smiled, "Careful what you wish for." I turned us over onto our side, draping her top leg over my own. I yanked down the front of my pants and buried my cock inside her in one thrust. We both choked out a cry, my cock happily surrounded in a warm wet hug. "Worth you time now?" I muttered in her ear.

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