14 - Jamie

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"Rachel?" I called out, "Rach? I gotta go soon so if you wanna gossip ..."

I opened the door to her bedroom and was crushed by the site. She lay curled up, knees to her chest, with her face firmly in her pillow that was visibly damp. A bottle of vodka lay on the floor by my feet and a broken plant pot lay shattered in front of her wardrobe. Climbing onto the bed next to her, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tightly to me. She cried into my chest, gripping my shoulders for dear life. The anger inside boiled over but I suppressed it. Rachel needed comfort not an avenger right now.

"What happened?" I asked finally.

"Faith...Faith..." she sobbed into my chest, unable to even catch her breath, "I told her....I told her....I told her I liked...liked her and she....she..."

"Shhhh," I whispered, "You don't have to tell me if you..."

"She called me a stupid dyke!" Rachel cried, "A fucking dyke."

"That's it!" I spat, moving, "I'm going to kill that bitch."

Rachel grabbed me and held me fiercely, "No! I don't want that! Please. It will make it worse."

It took everything I had to lay back down with her, "I'm here Rach."

"She put her hand...her hand on my thigh...she smiled," Rachel sobbed, "I though she...she liked me. I lent in to kiss her...she pulled away... she demanded to know ....to know what I was doing. I told her I ...I liked her and she laughed. I insisted. She...she got up and said I was nothing but a...a..."

I clutched her tighter, "Don't say it! Ok? Fuck her. You are not a stupid dyke. You are amazing and caring and warm and loving and beautiful and, most importantly, my best friend. Ok? It's her loss and my gain. Now you won't be going on dates and we can spend more time together." I kissed the top of her head, "I know it hurts. Fuck me I know. But you are so much better that her. You deserve so much better than her. There is a whole gay sea out there waiting for your hook honey. What she said to you is unacceptable and right not I want to go punch her pretty little face in, but you don't want me to so I won't. Whatever you need I will do. I can call my dad and cancel if you want..."

"No! Don't cancel because of me!" Rachel cried, "God I can't have that on my conscience. I just got in with your dad."

I smiled, "Can't believe he lets you call him dad." I paused, "Did you want to come with me? Get away for a couple of days? Ruth is down."

"Will I be intruding?" She asked quietly.

I shook my head, "No. I will tell you now though so you don't get shocked later. I asked Rob as well. He extended his trip..."

"Then I can't come!" Rachel said horrified, "I don't want to third wheel."

I laughed, "I think if anyone would be third wheeling it would be Rob. I want you to come. It will do you good to get away for a while."

"True," she sniffed. At least she had stopped crying now. That broke my heart the most, "Did you get laid then?"

I smiled, "I didn't just buy plan b for nothing."

Rachel laugh. Thank god! "Wooo you go! You slut."

I laughed, "Why thank you. I make it look good."

"You sure Rob won't mind?" Rachel asked quietly.

I sighed, "Don't be stupid. If he does he can stay here. Hoes before bros."

She smiled at that. We packed her up a small bag and I spent the last of my wages buying her a train ticket also. I wasn't going to tell either of them they it had to go on the credit card as I wanted to get them both away. Especially Rachel. I was never one to encourage running away from your problems but Rachel needed the distraction. And I couldn't be accountable for my actions if I saw Faith right now. This was worse than my darkest nightmare for how her evening would end so I sure as hell couldn't leave her.

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