19 - Rob

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I extracted myself from the sofa as two very drunk teens awkwardly smashed their mouths together in some semblance of a make out session. The house was alive with thumping music, masses of people and alcohol. This time Dylan had control of the drug situation better and made people go outside to smoke or pop or drink whatever it was that took their fancy. The last thing I wanted was the smell of weed hanging in the air of the house. Pouring myself another rum and coke, I gently pushed away the wandering hands of a very underaged girl. She couldn't have been more than sixteen or seventeen. Not exacting what I wanted groping my arse.

"Rob! Come and have some fun." Dylan lent on the counter next to me, likely to hold himself up.

I smirked, "I don't know if you want to know what you class as fun."

"Come on!" He pleaded, "One round and if it's lame I give you per...per...I say you can leave."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok fine."

I followed him outside to where a large group of kids sat in a jagged circle. I took a seat next to Dylan who winked at Valerie who sat three away from him. Hearing half hearted protests, I turned to see Jamie being dragged into the circle by a tall young guy. Dressed in dark grey jeans, a cropped army green top and a navy jumper, her hair whipped by the cold January wind. She stopped laughing as she locked eyes with me, then Dylan, then Valerie. Her demeanour shifted to closed discomfort. The guy put his arm around her and I felt a flare of jealousy.

"You alright?" The guy asked.

"Yes," she spluttered, laughing half heartedly, "I just don't want to play any games."

"Scared little girl?" One of the girl's giggled.

She stared hard at her. They all knew what had happened between her and Dylan. That was obvious by the way my nephew hung his head. They also knew her pride always won, as she sat down with the guy she came in with, seven people separating us. She didn't even glance my way. I was too busy watching her to notice someone spinning a bottle in the centre of the circle. My mind clicked when oooos erupted from the crowd. It had landed on Valerie.

"Let's see who she will be tonguing," someone said.

I watched as they flicked their wrist, sending the bottle spinning on itself. It slowed. The seconds dragged on. The bottle stopped on me. The previous ooos increased in volume. Valerie smiled, a predatory look in her eye. My eyes darted to Jamie who's face contorted into one of rage as the other girl approached me. Kneeling before me, Valerie reached up to cup my face as I watched Jamie glare with such ferocity, her chair toppled.

"No." I said firmly, "I'm not playing this game."

Shoving her arms away, I rose to find Jamie. The glare of the music pounded my senses as I stepped into the house. Feeling someone grip my hand, I was prepared to push them away only to be met with the determined possession of Jamie. Without a word, she dragged my through the crowd to the stairs. All I could to was follow as body after body rammed past me with Jamie leading me upstairs. I couldn't deny the bubbling desire as we rise up the stairs. She didn't say anything, only pure possessive determination in her eye. She tried the handle of my door only to find it locked, her gaze finally turning on me.

"Open it."

"Jamie, you know..."

"Open the door Rob and then we will talk."

She spoke with such authority I couldn't help but comply. Yanking me inside also, she locked the door. I opened my mouth to speak, only to find it had gone dry as her predatory eyes turned to me. Her face was no longer of anger but pure want. She shoved me back onto the bed, I caught myself on my arms to prop myself up. Her lips grasped mine possessively, nails biting into the flesh at the back of my neck. Her lips tasted of cheap beer and coconut as she latched into my lip, nipping, feeling like she was drawing blood. She nipped and sucked in my neck and collar as she worked open my jeans. I moaned as the wanton creature worked, I couldn't form the words that were on the tip of my tongue. I couldn't keep my eyes open as she pulled my dick from its confines and worked the shaft in her hand. The building feeling of potential release reeking havoc on my body. Her hand left me and I opened my eyes to see her kneeling on the floor between my legs, mouth closing in on my cock.

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