7 - Jamie

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"Any gossip?"

Clara folded tops opposite me, winking at me in hope for a response. I rolled my eyes. She was a first year oceanography student, I'd helped out on a couple of their field classes so kinda knew her. Then she started working in Primark also so we had advanced to ideal chit chat and an acknowledgement when we saw one another around campus. I think she kinda liked having a second year friend, for lack of a better word. Was that still a thing that looked cool?

"Other than my ankle, no," I replied, folding what felt like the millionth top, "Though if Carter calls me in at the last minute one more time..."

"You'll keep you mouth shut and not say anything."

I slapped Alan with a top as he walked past carrying new stock, "I don't remember talking to you."

"Not very cooperative!" He remarked, "Might want to keep that off your application."

"Application?" Clara asked, her interest peaked.

"Miss Fancy pants is applying for the exchange programme," Alan leaked.

"Last time I answer calls at work," I breathed bitterly.

"Oh come on!" He teased, "You know I'm only jealous."

"They really need to stop only hiring uni students," I muttered.

"Ooo someone has an admirer!" Clara sung.

"Ooo Alan maybe you can finally get laid and stop being annoying!" I laughed.

"I tried but your mum wasn't having it."

"Ooo a 'your mum' joke! What are you, seven?"

"My dick is, but my age is nineteen. Long time since you felt youth like that grandma."

"I'll remember that next time you want me to help you coz the lights are too bright for the poor waby with a hangover."

"Guys!" We both looked at Clara, "He is looking at you Jamie. Isn't your shift over now anyway?"

I turned around to see where she was looking to see Rob. My jaw dropped. Holy shit he had been serious. Dressed in jeans and a v-necked top with the millennium falcon on under a grey bomber jacket, he looked like a uni student himself. He was leaning again the pillar, his eyes scanning the room ideally before he caught mine. He smiled and waved overly enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes.

"He's hot!" Clara remarked, "Fucking hell his eyes!"

"Yeah don't stare, you will only boost his ego." I twisted my body and walked to him, my eyes not leaving his, "How did you even know I was here?"

"Rachel," he replied simply, "Though she told me slightly too eagerly so I can only imagine what she thinks we are doing."

I rolled my eyes, "Kept your promise then?"

"Always do," he replied, "Rachel told me she made you keep yours so I brought back your trainers." He held up a Sainsbury's bag. "How's the ankle?"

"Better," I replied simply, "As you can see, no trouble walking."

"Do your friends have nothing better to do?" He laughed, nodding behind me.

Clara and Alan were obviously watching us. They held up their thumbs as I turned around. I grabbed Rob and led him away, "I'll clock out and grab my stuff. Then we are going for a run."

"You sure you are up for it?" He asked.

"You sure you are up for it?" I shot back.

He smiled, "Always."

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