20 - Jamie

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Rob pulled me close to him again and his lips played with mine. I was then hoisted into the air again, back pressed against the still warm wall from where I was before with his fingers teasing me through my pants. I bucked against him, my body humming with need and a growing feeling in my gut.

"Please," I gasped.

He didn't say anything, only smile, removing his fingers. Instead his clothes erection pressed into me. The bulge of his dick and the rough denim material created a delicious pressure. His tongue swirling my pebbled nipple through my bra. I wanted more though. I wanted him to fuck me. Ever since we started fucking, I want it all the time. He pleasures me so well, always making sure I'm enjoying it as much as he is. I was hooked on the feeling of his cock which was an addiction I was not looking forward to giving up. A particularly hard thrust brought me back from my train of thought and was what I needed to fall over the edge. I let the falling sensation wash over me, breathing heavily which transformed into laughing. I had to go home wet.

"Was that a goodnight gift?" I laughed.

He smirked, "All I know is I definitely need to wash these jeans."

"Your fault," I retorted, "I have to go home this wet."

"I could clean you up if you wanted."

I groaned, "As tempting as that is, I need to find Greg and Rachel to go home."

Rob slowly let me down, "Who is that kid anyway?"

I skimmed back into my clothes as I replied, "Neighbour from across the hall. He stopped me throttling the girl who called Rach a dyke."

"Wait what?" Rob spluttered, as he changed his own clothes.

I sighed, "Oh yeah. Um well the reason Rach came with us to Cornwall was to distract her from this girl Faith she had a crush on. She told Faith she liked her and Faith called her a stupid dyke. I saw her yesterday and roughed her up a bit. Greg pulled me off her."

"Shit. What a fucking bitch. Is Rachel ok?" 

I nodded, "She's feeling better after being away." I sighed, "Anyway I better go. You have a party to watch over."

He sighed, "Don't remind me. An evening between your thighs sounds way more enjoyable."

"Rob!" I laughed.

He smirked, "Sorry. My inside voice."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on."

We walked back down stairs, dodging people drunkenly dancing. I spotted Greg's hair easily and gave Rob a quick kiss on the cheek before filtering through the crowd. Greg and Andy were together at the make shift bar in the kitchen. Andy was the same height as Greg though he was a lot more muscular and his hair was dyed a dark navy blue. Andy saw me first and waved me over, handing me a drink as I arrived.

"And where have you been missy?" Andy teased.

"That's for me to know and you to speculate," I shot back, "What have I missed?"

"Well I got a blow job. Greg got chatted up and your roommate hasn't come up for air in the last three minutes," Andy replied casually.

I choked on my drink, "What do you mean?"

"Well a blow job means I got my di..."

"Andy! I don't need to hear that. Where is Rach?" I interrupted.

"As Andy said," Greg said pointing to a nearby chair, "It's been three minutes since she has come up for air."

I followed his finger to see Rachel sitting in a chair across the room. Straddled across her lap was a young girl with short curly blonde hair and her hands underneath my friend's top. Rachel wasn't much better, his her hand squeezing firmly on the girl's butt. I couldn't help but laugh. Go Rachel! I noticed Andy watching them and I swatted his chest bringing him back to reality.

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