23 - Jamie

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I woke up naked under a heavy duvet. During the night my head had slipped mostly off the pillow so I was curled on my side on the admittedly comfortable mattress. Comfortable in comparison to my accommodation mattress that is. I smiled as I slowly turned over, as I didn't want to make too much noise, to see Rob still asleep. He was sprawled on his stomach, head turned towards me with his arms hugging the pillow. His hair spilled on the pillow behind him and his beard was slightly less that the usual precise style. I smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear and his face twitched at the disturbance. I stilled my hand before tucking it away back my own pillow to just watch him sleep.

After a moment, his face started to twitch into a smile and I couldn't help but widen my own. He opened his eyes and smiles at me. Without a word, he gathered me in closer and kissed me deeply. I couldn't help by smile as his arms wrap closer around me, snaking over my shoulders and cupping my ass, I feel pressing against me his cock firm and growing. I have to break the kiss from laughing too much.

"Excitable in the morning aren't we!" I laughed.

He arched a brow, "Problem?"

I stroked his cock slowly and he moaned quietly, "Not at all."

"Such a little cock tease, aren't you," he murmured, his voice heightened with the pitches of pleasure as I continue to stroke his cock.

"Problem?" I whispered, as seductive as I could manage.

"Only that my cock is in your hand and not your mouth," he retorted.

I took my hand from his cock, much to his disappointment evident in the hiss he released. Pushing him on to his back I pinned his arms above his head with my hands. I leant forward and pinched his ear lobe between my teeth and dragged down. I then trailed my lip to his collar, nipping at the jaw and neck before latching onto his collar bone, sucking and biting the skin. His moan echoed in my ear as he unconsciously rocks his cock up toward me, trying to gain some friction.

"Think you have been good enough to have my mouth around your cock?" I whispered in his ear, licking the shell of his ear.

"Yes baby," he moaned, "So good. So good for you."

"Just for me?" I breathed, teasing his neck a little more.

"Yes," he moaned breathless, "Please baby. Please!"

I continued trailing my kisses down his chest, his body writhing underneath my feather light kisses. Small pleads in his voice as I trailed over his chest and stomach. He whined louder as I kissed and nipped at his hips, leaving little marks over his body. I looked up at him, seeing him fist the sheets, both from pleasure and to resist the temptation to force me on his cock. I licked his cock slowly, as slow as I could manage, from base to tip where I teased him with my tongue. I kissed his hip and stood up, grabbing my clothes to get dressed.

"Jamie! What the fuck!" He cried in frustration, "You gonna leave me needy and wanting like this? Please baby! Please."

I leaned over him, "Sorry baby but check out is in thirty minutes." I kissed his cock gently, "Keep it safe for me."

"But I only need one," Rob whined needfully, "Please."

"Rob. For what I have planned for you, we need more than thirty minutes," I replied in what I hoped was a promising sultry manner.

He rolled his eyes, "Promise?"

I smiled, "I'll even cook you dinner tonight for a change."

He let out a smile, which back a small chuckle, "You drive hard bargain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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