3 - Jamie

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"I'm breaking up with you."

I blew off coffee with Robert, showered in record time, dressed in an adorable bird covered body con and an oversized jumper to hear these words. I had barely sat down opposite my...well now ex boyfriend and he opened with this. No "sorry for missing our date last night", no "you look lovely today" not even a fucking hello. I wasn't even angry at this point, just stunned. I pinched the bridge of my nose before returning my eyes onto him.

"Sorry," I laughed, "It sounded like you said you were breaking up with me."

"I am," Dylan replied, "It's time."

I rolled my eyes, "What's her name?"


"Her name? The new one." I clarified, "Because I'm clearly old news."

"Look it's not..."

"Don't bullshit me Dylan."


I closed my eyes and shook my head, "I knew it. I suppose that's where you were last night? With her getting drunk? And you got your Uncle to make your excuses, oh what a big man you are. Oh and that's forgetting that those tickets were my present. I could have taken anyone and I chose your sorry ass. And now I'm the one who looks the fool."

"Look Jamie you want commitment. I can't give that right now," Dylan defended, "I want to be young and stupid and sleep around and make mistakes. I don't want to go steady and get married in a few years. I don't do the whole marriage and baby thing..."

"Nor do I. I have told you I never want kids and my views on marriage. But I loved you. That should be enough," I cried, "I never asked you to be more than you are."

"You keep wanted to go out on these grand dates and yet never show public affection. You never want to hang out with my friends..."

"They are a bunch of drunk idiots that just wanna grab a girl for a bang then leave," I cried, "I don't like feeling like a choice piece of meat..."

"And you just want to do the same things in bed all..."

"So now I'm bad in bed?" I interrupted.

"I never said..."

I simply put my head in my hands, it was pointless, "I hope she breaks your fucking heart." And left.


"He was a dickhead anyway."

Rachel passed me back the tub of phish food ice cream, licked hers off her spoon like a lolly pop. I snorted at her before shovelling two mouthfuls in. When I had told her about what had happened I had gushed, crying until my cheeks were raw but in wasn't in pain. That much I was certain of. Perhaps it was the years of let down finally culminating in relief of freedom. Don't get me wrong, I loved him, I would have done anything for him but I wasn't naive enough to not see it coming. I had just suppressed the inevitable as long as possible. I wasn't looking for love, I don't believe in marriage and I don't want kids, I just wanted someone there for now. So much for Dylan.

"You know this film is shit. It was the last time we watched it," I moaned, leaning my neck over the back of the sofa.

She cuddled up to me, leaning on my shoulder, "I know but it's mind numbing. It's not like we both don't know the plot anyway."

I sighed, "I should have listened to you and Rob and at least finished it on my terms!"

Rachel looked at me, a smile creeping on her face, "Rob told you to break up with him?"

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