2 - Robert

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I could honestly say I was proud of myself for doing nothing more than kiss her cheek. The little purple off shoulder bodycon, though not her typical style, was the stuff of dreams. God my nephew was an twat for going out and leaving her. Instead he had gone for a booze up with his idiot friends. How he could choose that over the petite black haired girl I had on my arm I will never know. I never set out to crush on Dylan's girlfriend but at the Christmas party I could focus on no one but her. There had been forty other people in and out the house but she, hiding behind her dark locks in a plain green skater dress, had been the one I was drawn to. Other than being introduced and idle family chit chat, we hadn't had much of an interaction before tonight. But she seemed relaxed around me which I took for a good sign.

Throwing my coat over the back of the sofa, I left my shoes on the foot of the stair ready to take up when I could be bothered to and then proceeded to unbutton my jacket. I don't know what the hell have me the confidence to proclaim to go with her to the theatre but I was glad of it. I had honestly enjoyed her company, likely more than I should have. Uncorking the opened bottle, I refilled my glass, taking a sip before stacking the used dishes in the dishwasher. I couldn't help but watch her all evening. The small smile she couldn't contain as she watched the actors up on the stage, the flush of her cheeks with the alcohol, the heat of her body as I touched the small of her back. I stilled. I knew it was stupid to think like this, she was dating my nephew. My nephew.

"Honey I home!"

Speak of the devil. I walked out to the hall to see Dylan stagger through the door. He kicked it close with a uncoordinated foot before flinging his keys on to the sideboard. He looked at me, regarding me for a minute with confusion before his face split into a smile.

"Uncle Rob."

I rolled my eyes, "You're fucking drunk again."

"So what," He slurred while staggering further into the house, "I had fun."

"It's the third time this week," I sighed, following him upstairs. What I wanted to do was punch the fucker but my sister would kill me for hurting her blue eyed boy.

"When did you get so grumpy," Dylan whined, "You used to be chill."

"Since your girlfriend came round here asking after you."

"What did she want?" He moaned, plopping himself onto his bed. I looked at him and simply raised my eyebrows. He honestly couldn't be this much of a twat that he had forgotten. His nose crinkled as his clouded mind search. Recognition being when his eyes screwed shut and his mouth tightened, "Shit. The theatre."

"Yeah. The theatre." I replied sarcastically, "And it sounds like this isn't the first time either."

"I'll text her and see if..."

"I went with her. I doubt she will reply now." Instant regret.

Dylan looked taken back, "Did you also get scratched to hell?" He laughed, "She's pretty soft isn't she."

"What the fuck Dylan!" I exploded, "You think I slept with her?"

"Feel free to," He said. His head was swaying now. "Actually you date her and I'll screw her. Then she can get off my back."

And with that caring comment he slipped into unconsciousness. I stood there for a minute dumbfounded before I was able the walk again. I returned downstairs and retrieved my wine, gulping down a mouthful. Dylan had always been a party animal, this drunk behaviour wasn't new but I had assumed he would have more respect for his girlfriend. The way he spoke about her sometimes made it seem like he found dating her to be a nuance. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't ready for commitment at his age but I never lead a woman on, never dated someone just for sex unless it was mutual. What bothered me the most is that he just didn't seem to care at all. He didn't care if I had slept with her. I collapsed onto the sofa and lent back into the cushion. The sooner I went home the better, only five more days.


I sipped my water as I walked over the the scanner. Twenty two minutes, not my best. The early mist had yet to dissipate giving the park an otherworldly look and the sun a white disc in the sky allowing me to look at it without pain. Even on holiday I couldn't resist a parkrun. The days between Christmas and new year were always less crowded as this was the time reality didn't exist. Nobody knew the day, only that New year was ahead and Christmas behind. One of the best times to come. I watched on the sidelines as the next few people came through the funnel until I saw...it couldn't be....


"Rob?" She panted, "What are you doing here?"

I fell into step with her as she walked through the funnel, "It's Saturday. I never miss parkrun."

She lead me back to the scanner, "Me neither. It's my ninety ninth today."

"Well shit then!" I replied, "that's brilliant."

Like a sane person, she was dressed for the cold. Her blue leggings shaped her body like a second skin clashing with the purple windproof fleece but no one cared. She wore what looked to be a camouflage coloured neck scarf with was tucked under the jacket. Her fingers were blue as she fumbled for her barcode in her phone case. I took the holder from her frozen hands, brushing them for only a few seconds before slipping the laminated card from the case. She smiled in gratitude as her card was scanned before we began to walk out of the park.

"How many are you on?" She asked, rubbing her fingers to try and create some warmth.

"Two hundred and something."

"Wow. A seasoned professional," she laughed.

"Hardly, more like addict. I just like running," I smirked. I handed her my gloves from my pocket, "Here."

"No I couldn't. You..."

"Weren't wearing them," I laughed. I took her hands in my own, "See. I'm plenty warm."

A faint blush rose in her cheeks, connected across the bridge of her nose, "Seems so."

I dropped her hands at her obvious discomfort. Smiling awkwardly, she slipped her hands into my gloves. They were too long in the fingers, the ends almost flat due to the unused space but they almost fit snug over her palms. She returned to clasping her hands in front of her once again. She was observing me from under her lashes. Jamie was unsure of how to act around me, I couldn't say I blamed her.

"Did you wanna go for coffee?" I asked finally, "My treat to warm up?"

She looked startled for a moment. She stayed quiet as if she was translating what I had asked into her head. Finally she bit her lip before shaking her head.

"Maybe next time. I have to meet Dylan for breakfast." She handed me back my gloves, "Thanks."

I should have just let her walk away, but I couldn't resist one last word. The memory of what Dylan had said still angering me. Feel free to. Did you also get scratched to hell. It was enough to make me sick.

"Jamie!" She turned back to look at me. I bit my lip, my confidence faltered, "You...you can do so much better than Dylan. He doesn't deserve you."

The corner of her lip tugged into a half smile, "You sound like my roommate."

I shrugged, "I know him too well. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

She stuffed her hands in her pockets and kicked the grass, eyes once again on me, "I'm a big girl. I can handle it. Thanks though... Rob."

I waited until I could no longer make out her silhouette in the mist before turning on my heels to do another few laps.

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