5 - Robert

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Where the fuck had this sudden bravery appeared from? I asked myself this very question as I showered in my sisters bathroom. I thanked God that both this room and the guest room had en suites as I could give myself time to think. I don't know what I was expecting when I overheard her talking about food and chose to order the same thing but it had been an impulse. One that I wasn't entirely sure was a good idea. There was a very attractive woman running around naked in my bedroom. Fuck! None the less, it was done and a small part of me was glad. I shut off the water, halting further procrastination, and dressed before padding barefoot downstairs once again to flick on the coffee machine. Carelessly, I tied my hair up into a bun as I heard Jamie walking down the stairs. I couldn't help but smirk a little to see her in a pair of black jogging bottoms that were miles too long and an oversized grey top. Her elbow length black tresses draped over her shoulder, dampening the fabric underneath.

"Don't laugh," she mocked, "You never know what kind of weapons I could be hiding beneath all this extra fabric."

I snorted, "I'll take my chances. Gotta say, I wore it better."

"Yeah. Dude you gotta get some variation in your life," she laughed, referring to the fact I was dressed in the same clothes.

"Maybe I deliberately wanted us to be twinsies," I shot back, "Besides, if it ain't broke."

"I was thinking some popping pinks," she prowled closer to me, sarcasm dripping from her speech.

"Don't," I laughed.

"Ooo a flaming orange to really add the spice," she teased, coming to stand next to me with her back leaning against the counter.

I smirked, turning to also lean against the counter, "I have a reputation to up hold."

"And what would that be?"

I leaned into her ear, "Of being a hard ass."

She snorted, "Please. You are too nice to be a hard ass."

"Maybe you don't know me."

She scrunched up her nose and shrugged, "Call it intuition."


At that moment the door bell rang. I guess I was in the shower longer than I thought. Jamie smirked and wandered to the door to collect the delivery while I poured two glasses of wine. As I carried them through to the lounge I saw she was stilling talking to the delivery guy, mainly because he hadn't let go of the box. I couldn't help myself, the flush of anger that flared within that I did my best to quell. Instead of punching the guy, I snaked my arm around Jamie's waist, pressing her flush against me.

"Ooo is the pizza here," I said, obviously grabbing the box, to which the guy immediately released, "Thanks!"

I released Jamie as he turned away. She closed the door, "Thank you!" She laughed, "He was so arrogant. What part of I don't want your number don't some guys get?"

She vaulted over the sofa, curling up in the seat before wincing as the pain of her ankle hit, wherein she let it hover just above the ground. I sat down opposite her with the boxes on my lap. I casually lifted her leg and allowed it to rest on my knee as I opened the boxes over our laps before reaching for the tv remote.

"No idea but last time I checked no was universally understood," I replied, turning on Netflix.

"Obviously not...is it not weird with my foot on your leg?" She spoke timidly.

I snorted, "Well elevation is part of RICE last time I checked plus your leg is holding the pizza box." I gave it a wiggle to demonstrate, "Plus I imagine it is more comfortable that tensing the muscle to keep it off the floor. So the question is, is it weird for you?"

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