10 - Jamie

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I just watched Robert working from the doorway. Part of me wanted to run because he was too close to the perfect gentleman, which seemed too good to be true. Every time we kissed there was a trail of smouldering coals left in his path. Dressed now in a white shirt with small grey dots and black trousers, part of it seemed surreal that he would desire me. And yet the other part wanted to run to him, hold him close, listen to all his sweet nothings and accept each word with every beat of my heart regardless of lies and pain. It was stupid how quickly these feeling had aroused but I couldn't deny them any longer. Not when they were glaringly obvious to everyone else.

I blamed Rachel entirely. She had called me earlier to tell me I should just have sex with Robert. Her exact words were to enjoy it meaning she didn't even consider it not to be an option. I had babbled incoherently in response, not knowing an appropriate one. I couldn't tell her I had seen how quickly I had been replaced in Dylan's life, though I got the impression she had an inkling by how suggestive she was being about me sleeping with his uncle. But I couldn't use Rob like that. It wasn't fair on either of us and I told Rachel as much. She also told me she was going to tell Faith that she was crushing on her tonight. I couldn't help but wince and cross my fingers as I didn't want her first declaration to end in tears. I loved Rachel fiercely like a sister and couldn't see her in pain. I wanted more than anything to reach down the phone and squeeze her shoulder in reassurance, which almost as quickly fizzled away after a reminder to be safe.

"I hope you're hungry!" Rob said cheerfully, "I always over cook."

I smiled in return teasingly, "Starving!"

I sat down at the breakfast bar only for Rob to smile at me. He beckoned me to follow him with the flick of his index finger. I raised an eyebrow but followed him into the dining room. I smiled. He had set up the dinner table complete with the white table cloth and red candles that were already burning. Despite the table sitting six, he had set us up to sit next to one another. He pulled the chair out at the head and I laughed as I took my seat and he retrieved two wine glasses form the sideboard.

"Compensating for something?" I teased.

"Ungrateful wench!" He said in mock anger, "I am the perfect gentleman I'll have you know."

"Right now I want the perfect waiter! Off you pop," I responded.

"The way to your heart really is with food," he remarked as he followed my command.

I couldn't help but smile because it was kind of true. But he didn't need the confirmation. He returned carrying two plate which he set down before me. Call me old but I loved steak and kidney pudding. From the first bite I moaned, taken to my happy place. It was just all so tender, practically melting in my mouth. Robert smiled at me from his adjacent seat and I could feel myself blushing.


"Nothing. I just thought of something dirty," he laughed.


"I can't."

"Tell me."

"You will think me weird."

"Come on."

He sighed, "I just thought that I haven't even touched you and I'm already making you moan in pleasure."

I bit my lip but that didn't stop the burst of laughter, "So you have. So you have."

"Clearly I'm a man of many talents," he replied smugly.

"No. Not gonna stroke your ego."

"For the record," he started slightly timidly, "I don't expect anything tonight. I just want to put that out there. I just want to get to know you a bit better."

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