11 - Jamie

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The next two losses were on his side, so naturally Robert lost his socks. Another pawn of mine was lost followed by one of his meaning I lost a sock and he lost his belt. The fact he was so close to nudity and I was relatively still clothed rallied him to take my rook. While I removed the other sock I wondered whether that move was purposeful or not considering my long standing history on the chess club. However I certainly blame my own subconscious for the next move. My bishop moved out from next to the king to take what I saw as a threatening knight. He stripped off his trousers, sitting there in only his pants. The real threat was the rook. It moved into the position of the one he had previously taken.


His smirk broadened. I moved my king forward to get out of the line of fire. He then moved a yet unregistered bishop and took my queen. I gasped. This meant I was yet again in check. How could I have not seen that? It was like I wasn't even seeing the board anymore, only him. He was the only thing on my mind. I was unwilling to part with my shirt so I unclipped my bra. He bit his lower lip as I pulled the mint coloured material out from under my shirt. Almost immediately I felt my nipples become erect in the sudden rush of cold air. I slowly raised my eyes to look into his as I dropped the bra onto the floor. His underwear twinged.

"You having fun yet Robert?" I asked innocently.

"Is this just a game to you or do you actually..."

I moved my only pawn that had remained in its original position to take his, "Play the game."

Robert's eyes held mine for a moment. I raised a eyebrow at him, leaning forward slowly rewarding him with an eyeful of my breasts. He swallowed before standing up and pushing his boxers down with his thumbs. My breathing stopped as he dropped his navy boxers on the ground as he sat back down. He gulped the last of his ale as I drunk him in. All of him. His cock erect against his body, despite his apparent desire to calm his member. A spike of cold ran through my body from my core. I felt my sex dampen. I bit my lip. It was a turn on to know that I did this too him, I was the cause of him being so worked up. He slowly lifted his eyeline to lock with mine and I sucked in a breath. I must have sat there looking like a silly virgin for how my eyes flickered back to his manhood. Normally so calm and composed, he looked vulnerable and embarrassed. It was completely unfounded.

"Your move," I whispered.

His smirk returned, "Checkmate."

He took my pawn and I realised my mistake. Failure to move my king from the previous round, although technically illegal, had allowed him to not only take my piece but check my king in a third position. The only move out was blocked my own stupid knight. I stood up and rounded the table. My hands gripped his shoulders as I climbed onto his lap, straddled across. I pulled his hair out of his usual bun before running my hands through his locks.

"Aren't you going to unwrap you prize?" I moaned quietly.

"I still lost. You still have on..." I let my body drop to his lap, skin on skin. He exhaled sharply as his crotch stiffened once more, "When did you take off your underwear?"

"Before I showered. I never put any back on." My teeth raked his ear.

His eyes widened as he let his hand drop to my thigh, trail up the inside to my sex. I let my head fall back as his cold thumb caressed my clit, sending ripples through me. I moved my hips down to make his thumb run back over my nub. Robert opened my shirt as his thumb ran over my clit once again, the cold intensified the feeling against my hot sex. I shrugged off the final barrier of material before his free hand held my neck so his lips could catch mine. The movement of his thumb increased in pace as my kiss confirmed this was was what I wanted, what I needed. I could feel the pressure building inside, it had been so long since I had had a release. My hands trailed down his chest, cupping each rise and fall. They fell to his thighs where I trailed them to his cock. God just feeling his hard length made me wet. His thumb then rolled my nipple as I gently stroked his length. His stroke of my clit made me have to fight against clamping my fists. I took my hands off his cock.

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