4 - Jamie

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Robert helped me hobble over to the sofa, sitting me down. I smiled gratefully as now the pain was hitting me. Joking about clumsiness he stacked two cushions on the coffee table and rested my foot on them while he looked for said tubing. I sat awkwardly in the silence, eyes wondering around the room. I half expected someone to burst in at any point and banish me, despite knowing how stupid that was. My eyes fell on the wall opposite and I cringed. It was the one of Dylan and I at year 13 prom. It wasn't a bad photo, or a bad memory as that was a simpler time. It's just that now it represented the past and so just felt awkward. To my relief, Robert returned carrying scissors, a box and an ice pack. Picked up my foot carefully, he replaced the stack of pillows with his thigh. My heel pressing into the muscle of his lower body. Jesus he was definitely a cyclist as well as a runner.

"Running twice in one day?" He said, looking up and smiling at me.

"Well I could say the same of you," I countered.

He raised an eyebrow as he worked, first taking off my sock before pulling the tubing over my foot and up my shin. He folded it back over and cut off the excess before working the compression tubing back over my foot and ankle to double it up.

"Well it gets boring in a house on your own so I run to be social," he explained placing the ice on my ankle.

"You have music playing!" I scoffed.

"Ok you got me but at least I not bored. What's your excuse?" He replied.

"Rachel, my room mate, thinks the room is a good break up movie and I can't watch that damn thing again," I laughed, "I find running more constructive."

He smiled weakly before moving my foot back onto the cushion stack and standing up to face away from me, "You really did love Dylan then huh?"

I laughed, "I wasn't that torn up over him. I'm angry that his priority is fucking around. Literally. Don't get me wrong, I never expected to marry the guy, I just thought he was more mature than to break up over the fact we were in a relationship."

Robert snorted and turned back to face me before sinking into the two seat adjacent to the sofa I was on. I felt like I couldn't help but tell him things, I was too open sometimes, but more than that I felt like I had known him for years rather than two weeks. I wanted to laugh at myself.

"Well my nephew is an idiot."

I smirked, "You said that already."

"Well now its definitely true. But I'm glad you aren't wasting tears over him," his eyes bore into mine, the green and brown so pronounced and intense. They were beautiful, "Oh shit." The spell broke, "I'm being a terrible host, did you want a drink?"

I smiled, "I was thinking the service was lousy. Yeah I'll have water thanks."

He rolled his eyes, "So demanding."


As he got water I felt my phone vibrate in its arm band. I ripped it off and pulled the phone out. Shit. Three missed calls and too many texts to count all from Rachel. Oh and one from my boss wanting me to work tomorrow. Great. She must have seen my phone was no longer in the park. We both had find my iPhone for each other, more so to make sure that we were always somewhere safe at night or walking home. As I was about to call her Robert came back with the water.

"Sorry do you mind..." as if on cue my phone rang again.

"I'll be in the kitchen," he said, leaving the room again.

I mouthed a thank you before answering, "Hey Rach..."

"Why the hell are you at Dylan's house? I thought we talked about this..."


"No Jamie. You don't need him in your life. You can do so much better than..."


"Dylan is not worth your crying or your tears. Don't stoop so low hun..."

"Rachel!" I practically shouted down the phone, "I'm here with Robert."

Silence followed, "Oh." I could practically hear the grin.

"Not like that!" I whined, "I fell over and twisted my ankle. Robert put some tubing on and some ice."

"I'm sure he took all your pain away." Her voice dragging out the word all.

My blush rose in my cheeks, "Shut up! It's not like that."

"You can tell me all about it when you get home," she teased, "On that note what pizza do you want?"

"What? No normal freak out of me injuring myself?" I questioned.

"I'm sure you are in....capable hands."


"I didn't know that was a pizza topping?" She replied innocently.

I sighed, "Hawaiian."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I smiled, "Controversial choice."

I could see her rolling her eyes, "Whatever. Text me when you are leaving and I'll call. I'll see you later."

"Love ya!"

"Love ya too clumsy."

With that she ended the call. My head was spinning. Usually she was such a worrier when it comes to injury and yet she passed it off like nothing. And my god. She thought I was having sex with Robert? I mean yeah he is attractive but I wasn't going to sleep with my ex's uncle the minute I broke up with Dylan. I bit my lip. No. That was stupid. I can't believe I let her put thoughts like that into my brain. And besides, I was only twenty. Being alone for a bit would be good for me. Robert, standing in the doorway, announced his presence with a soft cough. He lent against the woodend frame, playing with his phone in his hands.

"I hope you don't mind but I ordered a couple of pizzas," he said slowly, "Don't take that as you have to stay. I just..."

"Are you inviting me to stay...."

"Only if you want to. Thought it would be best to rest your foot for a bit," he smiled. A red blushed creeping across his cheeks as his eyes slowly looked up to catch mine.

I pressed my lips together. I couldn't refuse, "What did you order?"

"Veggie and Hawaiian."

"Hawaiian?" I teased.

"Controversial choice," he replied without missing a beat.

I smirked, "I'll let my room mate know....erm....is there anywhere to ....shower?"

Robert almost shook himself as if awoken from a dream, "Yeah of course. You can borrow something of mine to change into if you want....no wait.....that's weird....there is always...."

"Yours would be fine. Thanks."

He nodded. I moved to raise myself off the sofa, with Rob's arms coming to support me as I stood. I smiled stupidly but hopefully gratefully as I partially lent on him for support. The two of us barely fit side by side of the stair, with his instead opting to stand just behind with one arm on my waist while the other held my right hand. His chest pressed into my back, bracing my weight as I hobbled upstairs. Once in the bathroom, he sat me down on the edge of the bath. Kneeing in front of me, he slowly peeled off the tubing, my breath catching in my throat as his soft fingers eased off the cloth leaving a tingle in their wake.

"Feel free to use either towel and I'll leave your clothes outside the door," I nodded in reply, "Are you gonna be ok getting in the shower?"

"Yeah," I laughed, "I'm not that much of a clumsy person that I fall over everywhere."

He simply smirked in return. Rob showed me the shower controls before leaving me to shower. Texting Rachel to eat without me, I slowly stripped, garments falling to the floor with soft thuds before entering the misty world.

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