Chapter 33

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             "What does it say?"I hear him say faintly.A couple coughs and clearing of the throat comes after."A pure bloods blood is needed to block out the sun,the boys blood.Son of Harkon,he needs to remain here when we set out to battle"
"Me he goes he says he wants to fight then I'll let him fight better aim him at the vampires then give him a reason to turn on us.And the bow is what can kill Harkon but what will become of the weapon after that?"
"We keep it here away from the world and seal it away in the forgotten veil where it belongs and give it back after this war is over"
"It will be done"
             My blood?Needed for the prophecy?This entire time me and Mina were supposed to give up our blood for it and a bow?Why a bow?And how could a bow block out the sun?I hear the shuffle of footsteps and I jump over the edge and softly land on the ground.As I hear the door open I scramble back to the training section where Ben is."do you know about the prophecy?"I whisper to him making sure no one around caught a single word.His eyes twinkle with curiosity."what is it?"I look around before leaning in"its a bow and our blood is needed to make it work.Make it block out the light,the sun.My father doesn't know any of this so that means we have the upper hand,I overheard Isran and the moth priest talking and they said that it does block out the sun.We will attack tomorrow most likely but it's going to take awhile"His eyes widen"does he know about me?"
"No no no he doesn't know about you"
"So that's the prophecy?Wow less than I expected but that's that."He looks down at the ground lost in thought.Every emotion ceasing from his cold steel blue eyes.Some part of me doesn't want to go against my father I have the feeling like I'm never coming back like I'm going to die.My gut keeps telling me not to go to stay and wait.But I can't I have to make things right.......for Mina,for Ben,and for myself.Ive gotten too deep and I can still sense the hate in his tone.The deep vengeful look in his eyes stab me millions of times over and over again but still not satisfied.And unnatural lust to get revenge,not willing to die before he sees the life leave my eyes.To see his abuser dead by his own hands.And it frightens me and no matter what he says or what his expression displays I still see it underneath.The dark center beneath the light surface.I want to believe he doesn't hold it against me but everytime I tell myself that I doubt it later on.
             Night settles on the grey stoned fort and I rush to grab a bed before someone takes it.Its a battle even within these walls around your allies your still fighting for the best food,bed cot,sword,fighting technique.Everything is take what you can before its gone.I close my eyes and drift off.
////////////////Ben's P.O.V.//////////////////
          I lay there on the cot starving for blood.The smell is torture,to resist such a revolting yet honey taste is impossible sooner or later they are going to seek me out not to mention I never sleep because I'm dead I don't sleep.I just watch and wait till they wake.I hear a squeak of a cot and the sound of boots against the stone floor.I open one eye and my heart almost leaps out of my chest,bright orange eyes glow from across me.The world lights up and as I get up he takes off.I follow quietly and grab my crossbow from my back.It wasn't exactly the fastest reload but it was one hell of a shot it's worth the time.He pushes through the doors and a loud bang echoes through the stone fort.I slip through as they close and I speed up he's almost to the falls.I put the crossbow back and focus on catching him which didn't take long.The impact of the fall is what I didn't take into account.I felt like I was hit in the head with a ton of iron ore was dropped on my head.He tries to kick his way free but I keep my grip on his arm.I reach back for the crossbow and before I grip the edge I catch his gaze.Fear,horror,and terror flashing in his orange eyes.I pull it up and point it at his head so that the tip of the bolt slightly pierces the skin."please......please don't"
"Sorry I don't give mercy"I pull the trigger and blood sprays on my face and hands."what a mess"I say observing my stained skin and clothes.He must've been a spy,he wasn't the only one I bet.When I woke there was another empty bed but lucky for them I was still training with Katō.I didn't find anything suspicious but I guess I should just shoot anyone that moves.I look down at his body and I see an edge of a white piece of paper.I bend down and pick it up.Blood stains the tip in a crimson shade.I open it up and read the contents.

           Tonight you will come home and await the Dawngaurd's army.Frank will leave before to deliver news about the Dawnguard's progress.Be careful and don't let anyone catch you.
          -Lord Harkon

            Lord Huh?Thats quite a fearsome title but your nothing but a filthy worm.Isran calls for war either tomorrow or the day after.I think we should march as soon as possible,the sooner the better.I make my way back up to the iron doors and the uncomfortable feeling of being burned pushes me to go faster and get inside.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V./////////////////
           I hear yelling in the background"GET UP AMD GET READY TO TAKE THE FIGHT TO VALKIHAR!"I jump and fall on the floor,I scramble to my feet and stand in a solute.I avoid eye contact with Isran and out the corner of my eye I see Ben with the silver bow on his back and a crossbow in his hands.A sheath for the pale white arrows rest on his back with the bow.Ben steps forward"You will do all you can to kill as many vampire scum as you can and me?I'm going to burn Harkon to ash."The soldiers yell and bang their sheilds with their blessed weapons.Ben and I agreed I would take the final blow but I might not be able too.
             I get on my dark brown horse and Ben gets on his white stallion.I guess they let him choose his horse to ride.The wagons follow close behind with the weapons and the bolts for when a soldier runs out.200 soldiers riding into battle.The hooves beating the ground in sync,determination engraved in their hearts.Desire to save their world but really they need to save themselves from eachother.Skyrim tears itself apart bit by bit.

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