Chapter 18

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//////////////////Ben's P.O.V.//////////////
           "Hey we're here"I snap out of my trance,I get up and step off the wagon.Its a bit warmer than I expected.I walk through the front gate.The streets filled with people haggling for prices on fresh bread and cheese.This city is so depressing.Everyones so poor...fighting over one septim if they find it on the street.The only people with money are the Black Briers.And all they are,are a bunch of stuck up bastards with the whole city kissing their boots.Its the pride of this city has disappeared.The scent of freshly baked bread and apple pie fills my lungs.Im so hungry,but I'll eat once I'm safe there's no telling who else is one of those can't trust anyone.I walk past all the shops blocking out their yelling and ignoring their pleads for me to buy their products.
        Guards stop me before I go into the palace."name..."I sigh"Carl"They look at me awkwardly"well step right in Carl"They step back and I go through the heavy doors.A table prepared for a banquet centers the room.In a throne sits Jarl Ulfbert.He looks at me curiously"Come to give me news of our victory soldier?"I look down and shake my head avoiding his serpents gaze."I see then what is your business here?"
"I'm here to join the Dawnguard and I need to know where it is"I say firmly keeping a low and steady tone."I'll mark it on your map"He holds out his hand for me to give it to him.I hesitate,I put the rolled up map in his hand.I hear the scrape of the charcoal hitting the soft paper.He hands it back with a smile"thank you for jointing the fight.Riften is the only city that supports them."The only city?No wonder,I wouldn't but I have a score to settle.Before I can walk away he grabs my hand.His rough skin scrapping against my soft skin.He flips my hand over and looks at my stub of my index finger on my right hand."I'm sorry for your loss I'm sure they will still let you fight"I pull my hand away"they better.......I have a score to settle"I walk out and onto the rat infested street of Riften.
//////////////Katō's P.O.V.//////////////////
           Superiority?!Really?!Whats so great about killing tones of innocent people.Ive........killed all those!No!No that wasn't me!"what's so grand about taking lives?!"He stops pacing"those lives you took.....they deserved to die do you not agree?"I look down at the ground,the visions of all the different deaths......pleads for me to spare them."that wasn't me"
"That was you.The anger boiling in your heart.You finally let it all out instead of bottling it up"He rests his pale bony hands on my shoulders."where is the scroll my son?"His cold dead orange eyes staking me in the heart.His voice low and smooth."I don't have it"He sighs disappointed"this will not do my son for you have shamed the Kerava name by failing to bring it and where is your sister?"His works drive the stake deeper into my heart.Her screams filing my ears.The smell of burnt flesh,cheering of the civilians.I did it all and I'm still not over it.Not until I see them all die and by my hand."those filthy mortals killed her and I killed them,but it's not enough"He directs my head upwards to meet his steady gaze with his strong pale hand."don't worry son we will get the scroll back and when we do it may hold the answer to your revenge and all the mortals will die........I promise"
/////////////Ben's P.O.V.////////////////////
          The thundering sound of a waterfall gets my attention,as I look up a smile sneaks it's way across my face.The fort of Dawnguard was enormous.Hidden from the world,beauty in every crevice of its architecture.It was a sight to see.And now being here,I pinch my arm to see if I'm dreaming and my prayers answered,it was all real.I was standing in front if the most amazing fort in all of Skyrim.The flawless gray stone shining in the sun.I take a deep breathe and walk on,I almost forgot about my fingers.The beauty and exotic look makes you forget the rest if the world and the only thing on your mind is it's beauty.
         I walk through a wooden gate, top and bottom fashioned like stakes.A man behind the wall on a platform looking out for danger or requites.The big fort towering over me.Imagine just how big it is.I bet there's tones of people within its walls.

Arrow series:             Crimson ArrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora