Chapter 30

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          I follow Katō out of the heavy gates of Whiterun.Our horses were waiting at the stables.I can't help but smirk at my plan but there's only one problem.....after I do that where will I go to?A vampire trying to find a purpose,roaming alone in the world trying to be who he used to be.But he's not that person anymore....he's stronger and the taste for vengeance is stronger and it will be clenched.I will kill him and I'll make sure he knows........knows how it felt when death takes you.Its not pleasant,it's painful and you feel like your entire body is being pulled piece by piece.To feel your heartbeat slow and your eyesight throbbing,clenching on to the only world they know.I didn't look till I left I closed my eyes before death took me to Solvengaurd.I didn't want to see my resting place.....a vampires castle and I didn't want to go out knowing I died as a cattle.I may have gotten free but I was still like a slave like cattle,a food source for their filthy appetites.
/////////////////Katō's P.O.V.////////////////
              I walk up to the carriage driver"may I take passage to Riften good sir?"He looks at me"sure you can lad for...........20 gold"He grins and holds out his hand.I sigh and put 20 shining gold coins into his scrawny hand."climb on back when your ready"I look at Ben and motion for him to get on,he gets on without having to pull himself up.He still hasn't tried to blend in with the mortals I see.He sits down on the seats"ugh why are they so uncomfortable?"I hear him say under his breath.And he was right as soon as I sat down it felt like needles were stabbing me."just bare with it till we get there then you can chew him out"I whisper to him,he chuckles at my proposal.Maybe he truly is my ally and maybe over time a friend.
                I feel a hand on my shoulder shaking me rapidly."KATŌ!!WAKE UP!"My eyes burst open and I see Ben over me on the ground,blood dripping from his chin,a long cut on his cheek and one on his jawline.A load roar echoes through my ears and fear fills me,it tells me to run but as I look back Bens not running.
/////////////////Ben's P.O.V./////////////////
              Dragons.....I hate the very word.They killed my parents and my friends.Im not running."I'm not running...I'm not afraid of you"I charge with my dagger and a strong force throws me into a tree.My head aching with pain as I focus on the sound."Foose ro da!"I hear and another throws down a couple trees.I catch a glimpse of gold hair before it all turns black.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V./////////////////
             I look in horror at her abilities and Ben.......lying unconscious on the ground.She gets ontop of the dragons head and stabs it repeatedly in the head until it goes all the way through.She hops down and goes to Ben."oh by the nine I'm so sorry"I walk up to her.I jump as I see a bright light come from the dragon to her........impossible...Dragonborn.I debate whether or not I should retrieve Ben or leave him.The dragon born is someone even by my standards,someone best not met.I sigh and force the words out"if you excuse me we will be going"She cocks her head to the right a bit and turns around sharply.She was a sight to see but I was not going to let her get in the way of our destination.No matter how much I hate admitting it but I really want to get there already.I'm so ready for all this to be over."and who are you?"She says hand on her hip and one around the bloody handle of her axe.Alright what would Ben do?"Move out of my way"I shove past her to Ben.Oh by the nine why did I just say that?I'm not like that I'm not rude or well you know like Ben.......ugh why did you have to pass out...this all sounded better in my head."I don't have to take that from you"I hear her scowl as I pick Ben up and proceed towards the path ignoring her consistent yelling about how strong she is.Blah blah blah blah is all I hear.I'm fed up with these self obsessed Jack asses walking around thinking a look can make everyone bow down.
            I lay Ben down by the path,I turn his head and there aren't any wounds that caused him to pass out.He needs.......blood,oh by the nine why now?I look around and luckily I see a woman coming up the path holding a flower basket with potions too.I walk up to her"please ma'am can you heal my brother?"I say putting on the best sad face I can.She looks at me carefully"where is he?"
"Oh thank you bless your kind heart"
            I lead her to Ben and she kneels beside him and checks for a pulse."he has no pulse and his skin is cold as ice"she looks up sadly.She leans over and kisses the top of his head.I take out a dagger and hesitate before I cut her neck slightly and just enough so that one drop lands on his cheek.His eyelids fly open and he sinks in his teeth into her neck so fast it was hard to tell what all happened.I see his Iris switch colors multiple times before dropping the woman into the road.The scratches on his head heal and blood stains his teeth and drip from his mouth."what did I just do?"his voice uneven and shaking with every syllable."You had too you were unconscious"I clean the blood off the tip of the golden dagger."but you said I don't have to feed"
"Well I was wrong Ben,if you don't feed you die"The word echoed and it was hard to believe it had come from me.
/////////////////Ben's P.O.V./////////////////
    echoes through my head and strangely I'm afraid of it.I'm just a corpse that thinks it's Ben?Or am I alive and don't know it?"So what am I?A mindless zombie that thinks it's Ben?"tears threaten to fall but I push them back.Tears are weakness they strip down our defenses,tears are for the defeated and I am not defeated."no your still you but your dead and not living.You need blood to survive Ben I'm sorry,I didn't think you had too.You need the fresh blood to keep yourself alive so you don't turn back into a corpse.You can't go but three days without it."The words stab me like a stake and every other word drives it deeper into my heart.Just when I thought I could live my old life........but I'm just a corpse that walks the world wanting to be alive again,wanting to feel the warmth without having to worry about burning to death.Living in the heat of life,never knowing what days your last.Where every decision could kill you,that fullness in your heart.That purpose.........No I have a purpose.And that purpose is still there I just have to find it.

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