Chapter 5

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Read notes at the end ~
"I love you......I'm so sorry......please Ariel give them back"No no no I shake the thought away,I clinch my necklace with the sun symbol on it resembling the god of the sun,Ariel.Kind of ironic huh?Im a vampire and the sun is my weakness yet I worship Ariel.We had worshiped him when we were alive,I guess I never really let go of that life.My parents wanted to live forever as a family but Molag bal didn't mention what we would become.My blood boils inside me as all the memories rush through my head.All the pain I endured just to die anyways.We may live forever but the question is.........are we even alive?I don't feel alive,my emotions don't feel like they used to.They feel like a cover up to make me seem human but I don't feel like it.My head aches from all the tears I cried.My....our parents can't be dead,they promised we'd be a family forever................they promised.Another tear rolls down my cheek,after that I close my eyes and fall asleep.
I open my eyes to the bright sun,I rub my eyes and strech."Good,your awake.It shouldn't be too long before we reach Windhelm,there we can buy weapons with the gold we have left or we can work for the good if you prefer.But we need some more.I only had 900 when we were free.Clearly whoever locked us up have us survival money till we came back home"My stomach grumbles demanding to be feed.I stand up."let's go I'm starving,the sooner we get there the better"She looks up in surprise"ok then mr impatient"I start to walk out but she stops me by grabbing my arm"I'm sorry for what I said to you.......I didn't mean to make you upset"I look into her redish brown eyes."It's ok but I still don't believe you"I pull my arm out of her hand and walk out.How can she expect me to forgive her for saying that?Doesn't she believe that they will keep their promise or has she given up on them.Maybe I should forgive her,she was just acting like I did back then when I had thought that they didn't love me because they never let me do anything on my own.And said I wasn't ready to lead something like that and that my mind set was wrong and that I was wreck less and hot headed.They never really showed me any kindness,but I never stopped loving them.When I was alive it was different,the world to me was everything but bad.But ever since we rose up the world doesn't spear the same.I wish it did........I wish it was the same world as I knew back then.I didn't mean to be such a vision blurs as tears threaten to fall but I force them back.No I'm not a child anymore I'm not a baby anymore I don't get to cry.Mina catches up with me,her face marked with the lines of tears.Did I make her feel that bad?
We finally make it to the edge if the badlands."Good I'm glad to finally make it out of that awful place"I sigh relief.She doesn't say anything she just walks past me.If there's one thing Mina kept since we were changed it's holding grudges and always having to be right.I really hate it when she does this,it's so childish.And she thinks I'm immature.
The last few minutes are nothing but silence,the occasional chirps of birds disturb it every once in awhile."Mina.......I'm sorry I didn't think it'd hurt you that bad"She stops in her tracks and looks back at me"your all I have left,you may not believe it but mom and dad are dead"
We arrive at the Windhelms iron door,behind it remains to be seen.I can barely remember what it was like inside the city,I never cared much for it.Too cold for me.We push the heavy door open and walk inside the cold city.All kinds of races live here in one place.Windhelm is not known for its kindness towards other kinds who aren't Nords,the founding race of skyrim.Ulfric Stormcloak also resides here in the hold leading it and the Stormcloak rebellion.I don't know who I would fight with I mean they both have pretty stupid causes.Imperials don't like the worship of Talos,a human warrior who was accepted by the gods as one himself.Just shut up and leave them alone.Just because you have a little problem with such a small issue doesn't mean you try to cut peoples heads off.Geez just chillax,it's not that big of a fucking deal.They're both baby's in my opinion.The god I worship isn't even in the temple.The snow elves worshiped Ariel back in the Merethic Era but once they went extinct so did the worship of Ariel.The snow elves were a superior race in the Merethic Era until the Dwarves enslaved them turning them into the falmer we know today.Its a terrible fate,and soon history repeated itself with the dwarves.In the First Era the dwarves fought with the nords,the battle was won by the Nords but soon after that the dwarves just dissapeared without a trace.No one knows what happened to them or what caused their dissapearence.
Wanted to put some history in here to shed some light for the future.~
Bro fist 👊

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