Chapter 21

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         I step back and I hear a creaking noise as the dyle rotates.Then stairs comes from beneath and there is an opening to go down.Wow who would've known.I walk down the stairs carefully and soon I come to a door.I open it slowly.A rancid smell rushes into my lungs,the fragrant stings my noise.Where does this lead too?Did mom know about this?I walk down
a hallway,moss clenching on its stone.
////////////////Ben's P.O.V./////////////////
           I squeeze my right hand out of the cuff,skin hanging from it.I do the same to the other.I expect to drown in the pain but I feel nothing.I pick up a humerous bone and use the sharp ragged edge to cut the skin that is hanging from my hands.Maybe I can find my weapons,but I guess I'll have to make do with this.Its hard to grip due to the loss of my index finger.I wish I hadn't have opposed him or I'd still be an able warrior....but now.........I can barely open a door.
/////////////////Katō's  P.O.V.//////////////
            I open a door to a massive laboratory.There are many herbs and ingredients for alchemy,my mother was an alchemist.She taught me that no matter what don't harm the humans they just don't understand.But I failed her....I killed hundreds.
           I walk to a bookshelf and see a journal and on the cover is of corse my mothers name: Jinxo Kerava
         Harkon's plan is vile I must stop him,my poor children,Mina and Katō.He'll use them,I read the scroll I know what it says and it's terrible.I must hide them,along with the scroll.

        What does she mean?

         The tyrany of the sun,that is what he is after.It says there is a weapon,a bow with Ariel's power of the sun.And all that is needed is the blood of a pure blood vampire.Katō and Mina are pure bloods,I have decided to hide them in an ancient crypt.And I too should disappear,I will go to the soul cairn.

         Katō,Mina,come to the soul cairn with me,there you will be safe.All you need are these three ingredients: Purified void ashes
Soul gem fragments
And your blood and it will open for you.I will be in the palace of the keepers.And please hurry I want to see your ok.

        Mother is still alive?I knew she was,if only Mina were here.How could father do this?To his own children?
/////////////////Ben's P.O.V.////////////////
          I swing and the loud crunch of skin tearing interrupts the silence.Blood gushing and splattering on my face.All my anger flushing through to the tips of my fingers and tooken out on my foes.The rotten smell of flesh,dried blood staining the cold stone as I make my way through the dark halls.Where did that lady take me?Wherever it was I didn't plan to stay for the after party.I speed up to a run,my footsteps echoing through the place.I didn't care if they heard me coming.........I want them to know I'm coming.
            I slow down once I hear voices,I peek and catch a glimpse of the man with the pony tail.The look of him makes my blood boil.The pressure on my chest keeps building up with rage.Once I find my weapons I'll kill him and everyone else here.I sneak past and walk up stairs to a room and in a case is a knife,made of dragon bone.I bust the glass and pick up the dagger.The tip is so sharp just a little touch draws blood.And since the handle is small I can grasp it better.I smile thinking of me standing over him,blade cutting into his neck and watching it roll down onto the crimson lake.
          I run back down and slit ones throat,he turns before the knife cuts through and screams.I hear the shuffling of feet making their way towards me.I come out of hiding,my dagger claiming a new victim each time.Blood painting my face and the looks of fear in all of their eyes."so much rage..........and anger.It drives you forward,but you never truly give up do you?"I feel a sharp pain in my back and I see the golden glimmer of an elven blade.He looks me in the eyes"you shouldn't have tried"he walks away.The doors slam behind him leaving me to die.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V.////////////////
         I look around and see a wooden table with the ingredients.I pick both bowls up and walk to the altar and I pour them into the bowl.I take my sword and cut my hand,the crimson droplets painting the gem shards a dark violet and the ashes a midnight black.The floor seems to come apart like pieces of a puzzle.A purple aura in the center,the pieces make a staircase down.I hesitate before taking a step.Then one after another and my vision turns black.

I'm getting better,I told you I would.

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