Chapter 10

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        My heavy steps pounding on the stone path as I relive what happened.We were supposed to come home together......but I guess she'll never see our home again.Instead I'm to face the world alone.And I will keep my promise,I will rid this world of very human that walks on its soil.I wipe the blood of my elven sword.A path of bodies behind me,they will know I'm coming back for them.And I left them a tail to follow me,I want them to hunt me,and when they find will be me who lives on.I look over my shoulder and in the distance far behind me is the city's walls of solitude,Mina's resting place.


        My boots leave footprints in the crunchy white snow.I must be close to Winterhold.I start to a jog,the sooner I get home the better.And I swear if my parents are dead I'll wipe out the entire population.Not just the Nords but the elves,orcs,argonians,and red guards.Everyone of them will fall by my hand,and I will not regret it.Not one bit.

         After hours of endless treading through the snow I see buildings.I run as fast as I can with my remaining strength,I couldn't wait any longer to get warm.I fall onto the porch of an inn,I lay there for awhile to catch my breath.After finally regaining some strength I get up and casually walk into the inn,the warmth stinging my cheeks.A voice calls out"cold out there isn't it?Well you can take a nice seat my the fire and warm up"I nod and take a seat close to the fire pit.I look at my hands,brown dried blood on the palm of my hand.What have I done?Mina wouldn't want me to kill people,innocent people.But it feels so good watching the life fade behind their eyes.Why do I enjoy this?This......this..........murderous game.Why do I feel like I enjoy killing them and making them pay for what they've done.I can't control myself,the things I've done and I was doing it willingly and I enjoyed it.What have I become?I destroyed the entire city and killed all the people in it leaving nothing but a long trail of bodies.And the scroll....I left it there without even thinking about retrieving it.What am I going to do?Not only have I failed my parents by loosing the scroll but I failed myself by becoming the one thing I told myself I would never become..........a cold blooded killer.My eyes........they're still bright orange.Everything is bright........Someone wake me from this nightmare.I can't stop myself.

        "Sir are you okay"I feel a hand on my shoulder and before I can think she lies on the floor with a slit throat and blood on my sword .Its happening again....I have to leave.

I try to reach the door but something holds me back and before long I find my sword marching another victim.I can't escape myself.I have to......go.

          No they deserve to die,I raise my sword and the target screams for me to spare him.I grin and bring the sword down,the gush of blood spewing onto my clothes and my face and my sword pierces his stomach cutting veins and arteries.I twist the golden blade and he screams in pure agony.

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