Chapter 20

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         I shoot again and this time it hits smack dab in the center of the heart.I imagine that boy from solitude and my bolt piercing his cold blooded heart.I grin at the thought of my victory,my lost avenged and my thirst for vengeance quenched."you may be right about that but we need to find someone to read it.......perhaps a moth priest"I lower the crossbow and look at him in amazement,a moth priest here in Skyrim?Where?"what do you mean?A moth priest?Right here in Skyrim?"His brown eyes focusing intently on mine."you can ask carriage drivers"
"Then that's what I'll do"I put the crossbow on my back and it clicks into place.I put the bolts around my waist and of corse a sword and axe in a sheath.Sword on my left side and axe on my right.I don't care if I'm missing the most dominant finger but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
/////////////////Katō's P.O.V.///////////////
           I run past everyone occasionally looking behind me to see if he's following.I run onto the balcony and I see him step onto the cold slippery stone.I look down and see the ocean below,it's beaconing cold waters.He looks at me his expression serious with a tint of anger."Katō don't........"I rest my hand on the icy rail and jump over it.I look up one last time at the sky and the castle.And lastly my father.I close my eyes and await the cold sting below.
///////////////////Ben's P.O.V.//////////////
           I walk up to the Riften gate but before I enter I see a carriage coming up the path with a woman in strange black and red clothing and her eyes bright orange.The carriage stops and I notice something about the driver...his eyes are blood shot.She looks at me intently,taking in every detail.She licks her lips and she walks towards me.Thank god for the uniform,my neck is the only spot uncovered.I back up and I look at the guards expecting them to do something.Don't they notice?I feel a strong grip on my shoulders,I close my eyes to avoid looking into hers.If there's one thing I know it's that you can't look into their eyes they will control you.She bangs me against the ground to get me to open my eyes.The repeated impact hurts like hell and I go numb.I can't feel anything and I can't see when I open my eyes.Am I dead?Is this what I feels like to leave the world?Nothingness?I can hear faintly and my feeling starts to come back but my vision remains dark.
        I look up and see a wooden ceiling.Where am I?I move my hands but I feel rough cold iron on my wrists and they cut slightly into my skin.I feel blood on the back of my neck.I look around and see human remains everywhere.A man on the wall next to me,his stomach completely torn open.I look away.Where am I?I hear a door open and I hold my breath.Please don't  notice me.I feel a rough hand on the side of my neck.I open my eyes and I see a man with bright orange eyes,he had a black ponytail and he stands there looking right into my eyes as if he was looking right through me.

~remember the guy with the pony tail?Well let's just say in this story you have to pay attention.If you don't know who he is them re read chapter 17~
         I see sharp fangs nearing my neck.Gently grazing my skin,like a cat plays with its food before sinking in.He chuckles,I feel a sharp pain in my neck.I try to scream but nothing comes out,I stand there chocking on the pain.The fear taking away every breath.The pain pulsing through my body and every pulse,every panicked heart beat makes it worse and the pain keeps getting worse.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V.////////////////
         I emerge from my watery bed and the burst of cold air burning my skin.I swim to a dock nearby on the west side of the castle.It must've been used to transport goods.I lift myself over the edge and lay there till I regain some warmth."I wish mom were here"I whisper.
         I get up and look around,and just beyond I see a door.I walk up the stairs and to the wooden door.I gently push it open,surprisingly it was warm.I walk through the endless halls and through many doors.But once I approach a certain door I feel a cool breeze.I open it and what lies behind is the most beautiful.A beautiful orchard,and in the center a sun dyle.I walk up to the magnificent sun dyle,and I notice that the seals are the stages of the moon.And a few is missing.......I look up and see a bright blue shiny seal,I run up the stairs to the table it lays on.The stage is the full moon.I pick up the beautiful masterpiece.The seal glimmering in the sun.I run my hand over the smooth surface.I look at the dyle...."wait......."I run down and put it in its destined spot.Theres 2 more.........I walk over to a little pond,little salmon and silverfish swimming around.And in the deepest part a pale blue object shinning faintly.I walk into the water,not caring of my wet clothes and pick it's the new moon.I run out if the water and place it on the opposite side of the full moon.I hear a scream and it's sound very familiar.Could that be?The man I cut?I reach into my pocket and hold up two fingers,bloody and stiff.I drop them in horror.......what have I done?WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!!!!I rock back in forth screaming.Ive become the one thing I promised not to be......a blood thirsty monster.
           I wipe the tears from my eyes and continue my search for the other seal.I walk over the garden,two nightshade pants and about four Dumbell bushes.And on the ground a seal and the stage is the half moon.I pick it up,my fingers grasping the cold metal sides.I walk back over to the dyle and put it in place.

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