Chapter 27

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              I untie the reins from the post quickly,the smell of blood filling my lungs and I can feel my mouth water at the thought of it.Its sickening the way I'm reacting to such a revolting smell.
/////////////////Katō's P.O.V.///////////////
             Ben unties the reins his hands shaking.This is going to be a long day....I untie the reins to my horse and get on."Ben calm down or you'll draw attention to yourself"He takes a deep breathe and straightens himself.Then he rides off,me behind him.I don't want him to start daydreaming again and falling off.I look up at the sky"Mina........."I look down and her screams fill my head,the laughing of the townspeople.The tight grip on my head making me watch,too paralyzed to move.Why aren't I over this?Every time the silence brings the thoughts and memories of her.I shake my head in denial.I forgave and forgot I can't keep dreading on the past.It won't bring Mina back and here Ben is not looking in the past.The hooves steady beat against the ground interrupts my thoughts and drags me back to reality."you ok there?"I look up and I see Ben looking over his shoulder."yeah I'm fine"
"Good don't want you to fall off and be left behind"He turns his attention back to the path."how did he know your name?"He sighs and looks at the ground."I don't know,I guess solitude got word around about the 8 fingered warrior"He looks up at the sky sadly,the bone of his stubs shine creamy white in the moonlight."I wouldn't be surprised you are the only one recorder who has kept going most retire or are kicked out once they loose a limb or eye sight"He looks back at me then back ahead.I look at my hand,I have ally fingers,I have no idea what it's like nor how important each finger is.I haven't suffered enough for my sins against Kinereth,the goddess of life.I hurt one of her creatures.I am no longer one of hers my life is stained with too much blood.And what about Ben?Is he stained with the crimson flow of his victims that fell to his hands every swing.All I've suffered is Mina's death but nothing physical that could lead my line to be cut easier or faster.I cut Ben's thread in half when I cut off his two fingers.He can no longer fight like he used too and now more than ever he would need his skill.But he still refuses to give in,his determination will die with him.I envy him for that.For being able to push himself beyond his limits.Maybe I should do the same,instead if sulking and sinking in my grief I should arise and push myself forward no matter what the gods throw at me.Keep moving on.I will move on not just for me but Mina and my mother as well.I dread the day we face my father,and I feel he will not die alone,in the end I will fill the grave next to his.I can sense it written in the stars,my death along with my fathers and by the hand of Ben Valentine but he too will fall by a dark secret.His blood will kill him...people he once trusted turn against him.Fire and light together and Ben pays the price for his curse.To save the mortals only to be killed by them in return.Unless he changes his path this will most likely happen.Such a terrible fate awaits us....and there is no reward for the damned and Ben is deeper than we are.He died before turning and since he got the gift from Molag ball instead if getting it from me or my father he is a pure blood.But he is more than that,an arrow to the head will not kill him,neither will blessed weapons.Ariels weapon could kill him with one shot to the heart and he'd burn.Not like Mina,there would be no wounds but he would burn to death.My father can die of mortal deaths but Ben can't.Once we find the third scroll we will kill my father with the weapon.
             I look up and I see farms and a guard tower.Ahead is a huge palace on the hill.Walls of stone surround the city of Whiterun.Ive never been here,so this is going to be all new for me but Ben seems to know where he's going.
            We ride through the watch outside the gate.The guards turning,alert and waiting.

Arrow series:             Crimson ArrowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin