Chapter 31

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            The roads stone leads us back to the city and Katō starts to look uneasy for some reason.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V./////////////////
             Each step a weight is added to my back to slow me down.I hope we don't go through Riften but it looks like that's what we are doing.Oh by the divines no.....Ben please don't go through the city.Even if I had asked he'd refuse.My stomach sinks to the ground at the sight of the door.The thing that started all this.If I would've listened to Mina.......I feel a cold merciless tear makes its way down my face as I aimlessly listen to Bens heavy steps.I hit him hard with my fact.Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut,I'm sure he's not going to channel it out through tears I think he'd rather snap some necks.I don't blame him.I just can't help but see her face,if I would've listened.........I'm wiser than I used to be I will admit.I have to think before I act.Cause the gods taught me that once Mina burned because of me.........but after all this is through I'll search all over Skyrim to find a way to turn mortal again.I don't care what it gave me I want to be human this power does things to you.It changes you,your very being from the inside out.Its a terrible curse,and we never should've taken it.I hope they have the third scroll,it would save us time that we don't have,all my father needs is the third and it's a race to the finish line.I have a bad feeling about this,I feel like I shouldn't be going to Dawnguard,they're vampire killers.....I mean what are they gonna do when they find out Ben's one or worse they end up killing me once I show up.Its a hell of a risk to take but it's worth it in the end.My steps weigh heavy on the wooden bridges that connect to the square and the haunting sign that reads 'The new and barb' that was the inn we stayed at and I remember Mina pouring lake water all over me and lecturing me that lake waters not dirty.It made me smile but then again that mans face pops up and after that many others,and then Ben's face.Glaring into my soul with a bloodstained arrow tip and a crimson shaded sword.Laughing as I fall,his eyes locked onto mine,watching the life disappear.I look around and I see ask with golden eyes and hair.The same one I saw at Markarth and then Morthal,I didn't look for that red eyed horse.I felt like my life was being drained just by looking at it.I also catch a glimpse of a man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes with leather armor on.Then the sound of arrows cutting through the air makes me take a closer look.I see a bright green blade flash in the sun and bright red stain the edges and tip.The clear blade glistening in the sun.Guards yelling and the sound of sheathing swords fill the silence.The townsfolk back up and run and occasionally get in the way.
              Ben moves his shoulder up and down evenly and for a second I thought he was actually alive until he stopped.My heart almost drops when I see a man in armor like Ben with his left hand gone.I hide my face by walking beside Ben.I remember that day I guess they had to amputate it.I just hope he doesn't look close enough at me.I really need an off day away from all this madness."hey whose that?"I hear behind me and my heart sinks to the ground."none of your concern agnus"Ben says firmly, keeping a glare on his face at the one handed man.I wait for Ben to continue walking before I move,as if one false step will send a sword through my chest.I feel Ben's shoulder brush against mine and I continue walking with my head down.The bright sun makes me feel a bit light headed and I notice Ben's attitude signifying he feels it too.And I fear they will attack my father during this time and we will be outcasts in our own battle.We all have our battles and this one is mine and maybe even Ben's himself."I can't wait till this is over"I say under my breath"Me"The way he said it sends shivers done my spine.Like he was excited and couldn't wait for something.I see Ben hunch down and then it hits me......right there in the street guards are carrying bodies to the grave yard.Freshy killed too.Blood stained clothes and deep wounds.It was truly a horrifying scene.Also one body in particular was dressed in black armor with the vampiric symbol on the belt.
//////////////////Ben's P.O.V.////////////////
             Vampires..........of corse how else are the gods going to torture me?Remind me what I have become and my terrible burden that weighs too heavy.I'm not who I used to be.....maybe I'm slowing losing my sanity.Ive lost my way of life,that sense.I have nothing to loose...maybe that's a good thing.They do say don't fuck with a man who has nothing to loose.Ive lost my humanity and I have no family that I care about too much.They never were fond of me and I didn't feel like living with the constant reminder of the past.If there's one thing I can't change its my grudge against Katō,against his father and the world in general.Everyone and everything is so fucking screwed up.Covering its own core with warriors and heroes and great battles and great leaders.But really underneath all that sugar is a dark and scary place.Twisted in its own deformity.I never truly cared about anyone but myself and now I know why.Strangely all these people.......just with a look I see who they truly are.The twisted truth underneath.Some may be truly good but the rest of us are evil pawns in a hell coated by light.

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