Chapter 2 Riften

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In the distance there was a tower,on the front flew a purple flag with a symbol on it.Two swords that cross one another represents the proud town,Riften.Unlike other towns Riften has the highest crime rate thanks to the thieves that dwell within the ratway under the streets.I remember my mothers stories about the Great Thief of Riften,Rolan Fair-sheild.Mina never believed in fairy tells but I did.I used to pretend I was Rolan and steal boiled creme treats from the kitchen,but unlike Rolan I always got caught.
The guard at the gate watched us go through the gate and into the city.Too be honest it was a little creepy,but I think it had to do with our eyes more than anything.But no one seems to notice we are different they just assume we have an eye sickness or something.As we make our way to inn we pass tones of shops.During the day it'd be full of lively people.Ignoring all the threats,caught up in their cattle life inside the safe walls if Riften.Everyone of then not a care in the world.The doors to the inn were light and easy to push open,the warmth from the fireplace overwhelmed the cool breeze from outside.I felt if I went any closer I'd catch on fire.Mina walked up to the Inn keeper"we need a room"The Inn keeper looks up"10 gold and it's yours for a day"She holds out her hand waiting for the gold to be placed in her hand.Mina reaches in her pocket and gives her 10 gold pieces,carefully placing them in the palm of the Inn keepers shaky hands.She quickly grasps the gold in her hands,runs her fingers over the coins to assure they were real."I'll show you to your room then,follow me"she says putting the coins in a cloth bag,she walks from behind the counter and leads up to a wooden staircase leading up to the second floor.Every step makes a creak in the old wooden stairs,I make sure to find a hand hold in case it gives way under my weight,The scroll is 20 pounds just by itself.Mina does the same,she must be thinking it will collapse as well.The Inn keeper taps her foot impatiently and scowls"it's not gonna break any time soon"
I finally stepped onto the floor of the second floor and was relieved to be off the stairs.The Inn keeper opens a door to a little room with a chest and two small beds"here we are........if you need anything just ask"she turned away and made her way back to the first floor to the counter."Well it's better than nothing"Mina said laying on the bed.I walk over to mine,before I lay down I hide the scroll between the bed frame and the wall on left side of me.Once I satisfy myself that it's perfectly hidden I lay down.The mattress wasn't what I hoped for but what did I expect for a cheap room in Riften of all places.It was surprisingly warm though,normally cheap rooms are ice cold but the wooden floor allowed some hear in.I sit up in the bed and look over to see Mina sound asleep.I sigh and plop back down on the bed with a loud thud"ow........."I forgot how hard the bed was."deffinantly not doing that again"This time I slowly lay back down,I close my eyes and blackness clouds my vision as I drift off into a deep sleep.

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