Chapter 15

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Mothers and fathers fingers intertwined in life and death.Fathers clenching onto their daughters,mothers onto their sons begging to be taken instead of them.To my right I see a burnt corpse and around its neck a star a symbol.Unlike any I've ever seen.It was beautiful,I walk up to the post and carefully take it off.I know looting a corpse is disrespectful but maybe it's connected to the killer.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V.////////////////
I walk past the houses and notice people with grim looks painted onto their faces.The grief hanging onto their shoulders bringing them down to the ground.I fall to my knees.What have I done?The people I slaughtered they could've been a father,mother and sister just like Mina and I'm just giving them the same they did to me.Ive fallen to deep haven't I?The cracks are too deep,killing all those and an entire village just isn't enough.Then there's only one way,get home and find my parents.They'll know and If they are gone then I'll just have to leave.End the game.......forever but I don't think it will let me.I look up and see a man by the post,Mina's necklace in his hand.He looks at her burnt body mournfully.I shouldn't have looked or it will come out again.That uniform...He's in the war....what's he doing here?Wait.....I left a survivor?!How could I have been so foolish.Then he'll die just as easy as the rest and so will all the people here.......
/////////////////Bens P.O.V./////////////////
I looks over my shoulder and see a man starring at me.I quickly put the necklace in my pocket and turn around quickly.He just stares then I see his eyes change from arctic blue to a bright orange.It was quite frightening and he kept shaking and laughing."um.....sir are you ok?"I slowly walk towards him.I see the glare of the suns reflection as he pulls out a golden elven sword.I step back hesitating but force my arm to pull the steel sword from its sheath.Elven blades are thinner but a lot faster than mine.
//////////////Katō's P.O.V.//////////////////
I see his expression change.His bright silver blade shining as he takes it out of the sheath.I grin,he will be a lovely addition among the fallen.I will string his limbs up above the iron door and his head used as a door knob.Its perfect......I hesitate for a second then swing,I her the sharp teeth grinding sound as our blades scrape against eachothers.The shape cling of metal meeting metal.Im surprised he can keep up.I can tell by his posture he's struggling.I swing once more putting all my strength into it forcing the blade to go faster.He screams as I hear a crunch.I look down and I see him laying on the ground tears painting the ground.Blood streaming down his arm.I see two fingers laying a few feet away.He sits there screaming in agony trying to regain control over himself.I see his shaky blood covered hand the ones missing on his left hand is his Ring finger.On his right is the stump of the Index finger.I see his face turn pale from the pain.I pick both up and show him teasingly,he looks up at them,melancholy swirling in his sea blue eyes.I walk away the fingers in my hand I look back at him before walking out and smile"Nice meeting,consider yourself lucky I did you a don't have to fight in the war anymore...."He just sits there,horror griping him so hard he crumbles to the ground.Desperately trying to convince himself he's dreaming.Then he looks up,rage boiling up inside him.I shut the iron doors before he gets up.Then I run laughing as I hear him screaming at me,the anger swelling in his throat as his screams send me running faster.Somehow in afraid of what he might be capable of.......but why?
///////////Bens P.O.V.///////////////////////
"YOU BASTARD COME BACK AMD FINISH ME!..........please"No...I'll kill him.I pick up a bow from a guards body,load an arrow and aim at his back.I let it fly,the arrow slices through the air and I hear him yelp as it hits him."Damn I missed"I fire another and it hits him in the leg.He looks frantically starts to run.I pick up two more and fire one close to his head and one by his heel.I throw it down,my hand aching,pain shooting up my body.I block it out,I look at the scroll and to my surprise it was an elder scroll...what was he doing with this?Whatever it was it wasn't good.I find it hard to hold,I look at my hands as my nubs try to feel the silk.Why me?"why me?!!Why do you do this to me?!!!!!"I scream,my throat burning."I swear I'll kill you.....ILL KILL YOU!!"

Arrow series:             Crimson Arrowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें