warm up (requested)

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You shook off your snow-covered hoodie as you hurried inside. At the sound of the front door closing, Yoohyeon was rushing down the stairs but the smile that she was wearing quickly faded when she reached the bottom step to find you shivering.


She was bringing you into her arms as soon as her name fell from your chapped lips. You continued to shiver, but you started to feel a little warmer with her arms wrapped around you.

"I-I had to walk home." You stuttered and she pulled back to look at you worriedly.

Your car had to be taken into the shop just yesterday after giving you a few problems, but you still had other ways of getting to and from work. This morning you took a cab to work and she couldn't help but wonder why you didn't today.

"What? Are you crazy? In this snowstorm and this cold air? I would've picked you up! Why didn't you call?"

"My phone died, so I couldn't call you." You whimpered and tried to bring her in for another hug, which she gladly accepted. She held you a little tighter than she usually would to try and warm you up, but you continued to shiver.

"Here, baby. Sit down." She whispered and guided you to the sofa. She grabbed the blanket from over the back of the couch and pulled it around your shoulders. You tightened it around your body to stay warm. "I'll be right back." She said before jogging up the stairs and returning a moment later with one of her hoodies, another blanket, and a pair of fuzzy socks.

She helped you pull the hoodie over your head and the socks over your cold feet before putting the blanket back around your shoulders and the other over your lap.

"Are you thirsty?"

"A little."

And just like that, she was rushing into the kitchen to grab you something warm to drink. She had you sip on the beverage slowly while she sat beside you and pulled you between her legs.

"Yoohyeon, you don't have to do all of this for me."

"Are you kidding me, y/n? You walked home in the snow and cold air for twenty minutes. You need to warm up."

Her hands snuck underneath her hoodie that you were wearing and she jumped a little when she felt your cool skin. You weren't freezing anymore which was good, but you weren't totally warm yet, either.

"Besides," she paused, kissing your neck softly. "This gives me an excuse to cuddle you."

"Well, I do enjoy your cuddles." You giggled and tilted your head back on her shoulder so she'd lean down and kiss you. "Can we just cuddle forever?"

She hummed and leaned around to kiss your cheek a few times.

"You have no idea how much I'd love that." She whispered in your ear. "Are you any warmer?"

"Well, let's see. Between your warm arms around me, two blankets, your cozy hoodie, a fuzzy pair of socks on my feet, and a cup of hot chocolate," you looked up at her, eyes locked with her soft brown orbs. "Yes, baby. I'm very warm. Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said, giving your nose a kiss.

"But you should keep cuddling me. You know, just so I can't get cold again."

She shook her head with a laugh. She saw right through your excuse. But she couldn't lie; she loved it.


You nodded, capturing her lips with yours for another kiss.

"Okay, cutie. We'll lay here and cuddle for as long as you want." She promised and gave your forehead a soft kiss before she moved to tighten her arms around you and pepper the back of your neck with kisses; promising you that she wasn't letting you go.

Yoohyeon Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now