you need her after a bad day

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You walked through the front door, secretly hoping that you'd feel Yoohyeon's arms wrap around you right away because you could really use her comforting embrace right now. After the day you had, you don't need anything but her.

But you felt a little sad when you realized that she wasn't in the room. You called out her name as loudly as you could, which wasn't all that loud or steady, to be honest. Your voice cracked halfway through her name as memories of your bad day flooded back to you.

But you knew she wasn't home when she never yelled back to you or ran down the stairs to you. You didn't feel her warm arms or the beat of her heart against your chest. She wasn't anywhere to be found and your heart sank a little when you realized she was probably stuck in the studio still.

You hate calling her when she's there. You hate knowing you're interrupting or distracting her from very important things she's got to get done with the girls for their comeback that wasn't too long from now.

But today, you didn't hesitate to call her. You couldn't stop yourself. You needed to know when she'd be home, because you really needed her.

You put your phone against your ear and sat down, waiting for her to answer.

But she didn't. At least, not until the very last ring, when it was about to go to voicemail.

"Hello? Y/N?"

She was already concerned. You could hear it in her voice. You rarely ever call her in the studio, unless it's for something important or an emergency. So, she was worried right away. She didn't have to hear your voice to know that something was wrong.

"Baby? Is everything okay?"


It was all you could say. You almost had tears in your eyes. Your day had been so awful and you needed her so terribly but she just wasn't here. You felt a little bad for tearing up just over the sound of her voice. But it's something that brings you inexpressible comfort most days.

Most days, however, was not today. Because you were hearing her voice through your phone, and not when she's holding you.

"What is it? What happened? Are you alright? Is there an emergency?" She was almost panicking, so you tried your very best to calm her down, despite being far from calm yourself.

"No. No emergency, Yoohyeon."

"Oh, good." She sighed in relief. "What is it then, baby?"

"I had a bad day." You mumbled. "A really bad day. I need you more than anything right now. I don't want to bother but do you know when you'll be home?"

"Oh," she sighed and you heard the rustling of papers and the girls' voices in the background as they asked her what was going on. "I really don't know, y/n. I wish I could tell you an exact time but there's so much to get done still and we're pressed for time-"

"I understand." You said as you took a shaky breath and swallowed the lump in your throat before hanging your head. "Don't worry, babe. Whenever you get home, you get home. Don't rush. I love you and I'll see you when you get home."

"Wait, y/n-"

You ended the call and ran your hands through your hair with a heavy sigh. Since you couldn't find comfort in her arms right now, you went for the next best thing; your bed.

You grabbed some water and climbed the stairs before you reached the bedroom. You sat on the edge of the bed and started to undress out of the clothes that you wore to work today. You put them into the empty basket, hoping they'd be out of sight and out of mind. It was just another reminder of your bad day.

You thought about changing into one of Yoohyeon's shirts and sleeping until she'd get home, but a hot bath to wash away your worries and make you feel a little better sounded good, too.

You decided on the latter. You walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, watching as it filled the tub and then climbing in and turning it off before it overfilled.

It was warm and comforting. It soothed you, both physically and mentally, and before you knew it, you fell asleep.

You don't know how much time went by before you were being woken up by Yoohyeon brushing her fingers along your shoulder blade and softly speaking your name.

"Y/N? Y/N, baby?"

You slowly opened your eyes and saw her knelt on the floor beside you.

"Yoohyeon? What time is it?"

You felt that the water wasn't cold yet, but it wasn't hot anymore, either. It was somewhere in the middle and that was enough to tell you that you hadn't been asleep for too long.

"About six. I came home as soon as you called. I found you in here a few minutes ago, but let you sleep so I could do a few things."

"Like what?"

"Well," she paused and cracked a smile. "Why don't you get out and come see?"

You got out of the water with her help and found she grabbed one of her hoodies for you to wear. You pulled it over your head after drying off and she took her your hand afterward to lead you back into the bedroom.

You were speechless when you saw what she'd done. The lights were dimmed, your favorite movie was starting to play, she'd ordered your favorite food from your favorite spot, and she even got you some flowers on her way home.

"Oh, Yoohyeon," you spoke softly before you turned around to face her, throwing your arms around her neck and bringing her in for a hug. "This is so sweet. Thank you."

"Anything for my girl." She smiled and kissed your forehead softly. "I love you. I'm so sorry your day was bad. I hope tomorrow is better and I hope tonight makes you feel even better."

"It already is." You smiled and kissed her lips sweetly. "I love you."

"Love you more." She said and kissed you once more. "C'mon. Let's get under the blankets so you can eat and we can watch that movie."

You nodded and put the flowers in some water before putting them right on the table beside your bed. You then climbed under the covers with her and sat between her legs with her arms wrapped around you and your back against her chest. She kissed your shoulder as you watched your favorite movie together and shared some of your food with her.

Your sadness and stresses were long gone now, replaced with absolute happiness, all thanks to the woman you love more than anything else in this world; the one who loves you just as much.

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