your parents walk in on you making out (requested)

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You felt Yoohyeon wrap her arms around you as you waved goodbye to your parents as they backed out of the driveway and headed out for a trip to the store.

"So... we're all alone. For the first time in two days, we've got a little time to catch up other than when we go to bed."

You chuckled and then let out a blissful hum as she moved the sleeve of your shirt so she could kiss your shoulder blade.

"I've missed you." You said as you turned around to face her.

Putting your arms around her neck to pull her close before giving her a sweet kiss.

"What would you like to do?"

"I've got a few things in mind." She smirked and brought you in for another kiss, this one much longer and much more passionate than the one before.

She guided you back until you fell onto the bed. You pulled her on top of you and brought her as close as you possibly could, so close that her chest touched yours, allowing for you to feel every beat of her heart against yours.

"You're perfect, y/n," she whispered against your lips as her hand began to travel along your body as she tugged at your lower lip with hers. "I'm so lucky."

You cracked a smile as she pulled away. Her eyes locked with yours and in her big brown orbs, you could see the adoration and the desire in them.

She kissed your lips twice before letting them trail along your body. She started at your jaw, leaving a little mark behind. You whined, craving more. But you didn't voice your urge. You couldn't risk your parents seeing them.

She trailed kisses to your neck, brushing along a special spot that made you gasp and then sigh softly. She loved the sound, it brought a smile to her face instantly.

"Yoohyeon," you whispered and laced your fingers through her hair, tugging gently, causing her breath to hitch, and then gaze up at you. "Kiss me."

She kissed your neck once more, a soft brush, before she kissed up to your lips again.

As they moved against yours in a fiery passion,  you decided to take control and rolled her onto her back. You hovered over her and pulled away from her lips to let your eyes travel along your body.

"I'm the lucky one, Yoohyeon," you said and she pulled you in for another kiss, smiling against your lips.

She snuck her hand under your shirt, so tempted to pull it off. The desire was intensifying, the urge to kiss you everywhere taking over her.

But then, she jumped and pulled away as she panted to catch her breath.

"What is it?" You asked, stroking her cheek.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I thought I heard a car door." She mumbled, tempted to peek out your window.

But you shook your head and kissed her, promising that it was nothing, and she melted into you and forgot about it.

But you both got the shock of your life when your bedroom door swung open. Your mother stood in the doorway, a startled scream falling from her lips as she saw Yoohyeon trying to pull your shirt off.

"Oh my!" She screamed and turned away, covering her eyes. "Your dad and I just wanted to talk about dinner."


"I-It's okay. I get it! I don't need any explaining of details about that aspect of your life. Just... lock the door next time."

"We will." Yoohyeon said.

"Come downstairs in a few minutes so we can talk."

"Oh, gosh," you groaned in embarrassment and dropped your head to Yoohyeon's shoulder.

The door closed and she brushed her hand along your back.

"I'm never leaving this room." You mumbled, only for Yoohyeon to chuckle and hold you tight, just as embarrassed as you and curious as to what was going to happen when you went downstairs, where your parents were waiting for the both of you, in just a few minutes.

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