"stop pushing yourself so hard" (requested)

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Yoohyeon walked through the door after her long and busy day.

Feeling completely exhausted, she's been looking forward to coming home to you from the minute she arrived at practice because she knew today was going to be anything but easy.

And now that she's home, she wants to find you and pull you into her arms for the biggest hug and never let you go.

"Y/N! Baby?" She called out for you as she looked all around for you, but she didn't find you anywhere downstairs or in the bedroom.

It especially worried her because your car is in the driveway.

She was just about to call out for you again when, suddenly, she heard something coming from just the spare room down the hall.

She rushed down and saw that the door was open just a crack.

She opened it the rest of the way and found you inside with your headphones in, lifting weights as sweat poured down your skin.

She frowned and walked to you.

As soon as she put your hand on your back, you jumped, almost dropping the weights onto your feet.

You put them down and turned around, although you swayed on your feet a little as you did so, causing Yoohyeon to frown.

"You're home!"

"Yeah... are you okay?" She frowned, noticing just how terrible you looked. "It's after midnight, baby. Usually, you're in bed by now. Which you should be, considering you look like you're feeling terrible."

"I-I'm okay." You lied, swallowing thickly before closing your eyes as the room began to spin... again.

Your knees went weak and you lost your balance and Yoohyeon gasped as she caught you in her arms, slowly sitting you on the floor.

"You're not okay. You almost passed out."

"No, Yoohyeon, I'm okay. I-I need to continue." You said and tried to stand up, only for everything to spin again.

And this time, you knew you were going to pass out.

Everything went black and if Yoohyeon wouldn't have been there to catch you, you probably would've busted your head open on the floor.

But she was right there and she caught you when you fell.

She gently laid you on the floor before she began to panic.

"Y/N? Y/N, wake up!" She said as she shook you.

She left the room to get her phone, which she left downstairs.

She returned just a moment later with emergency services on the line as she called for help for you.

Your eyes slowly opened and she let out a breath of relief.

"Don't get up, baby. Stay down, stay still." She said as you attempted to get up.

"The ambulance is coming. You passed out and you're weak and you look miserable, so you're going to get looked over. Just keep looking into my eyes, keep those pretty eyes open." She said softly, the dispatcher still on the phone with her as he continued to upset Yoohyeon on how close they were.

The relief she once felt vanished when you closed your eyes again.

It didn't return until you were in the hospital room and finally opened your eyes.

Yoohyeon was exhausted but still awake, staring at you as she waited for you to wake up.

"Hey, baby girl." She smiled as your tired eyes met hers.

The nurse walked in at that time, just as happy to see you awake as Yoohyeon was.

She looked you over and explained the situation.

You were dehydrated and overworked. You've been pushing yourself too hard and haven't been eating.

This disappointed Yoohyeon, who was unaware of all of this.

It's the first night she's caught you pushing yourself.

Usually, you're done and asleep in bed by the time she gets home, so she doesn't see just how miserable you truly are.

"Why?" She asked when the nurse left the room.

"Just haven't been feeling good about myself."

"You're perfect just the way you are, y/n. Don't ever listen to anyone who says differently. I love you; every single thing about you. Please stop pushing yourself so hard. You scared me."

"I will, I promise. And I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay now." She smiled and kissed your temple.

"I love you."

"I love you too; to the moon and back."

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