you break something from her gaming collection (requested)

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"It's here, it's here!" Yoohyeon excitedly said as she slammed the door shut with her foot and rushed to the sofa.

Tearing open the package, she squealed in excitement when she pulled out her newest game system.

She's been waiting impatiently for it to arrive since she ordered it a week or so ago but holding it in her hands now and knowing that she has a couple of days of downtime to play some games on it feels so worth it now.

"It looks really cool." You said as you reached out to touch it, only for Yoohyeon to gently smack your hand away. "Hey,"

"Baby, I love you, I really do, but you can't touch this game system."

"What? Why not?" You pouted.

"Because you're clumsy and I've been waiting to get it for forever. So I can't risk anything happening to it. But we can play some games on it if you'd like."

"Okay, sure. That sounds fun." You agreed.

"Let me just go grab a snack first and then we'll play." She said before kissing your cheek softly.

You watched her leave the room and glanced down at her new game system that was on the sofa.

Wanting to see it closer for yourself, you figured you'd just put it down without her noticing and you'd be able to sneak a glance at the expensive and cool-looking game system for yourself.

But when you picked it up, it just so happened to be at the same time that Yoohyeon dropped a plate on the floor in the kitchen, and as it shattered on the ground you jumped and dropped the game system onto the floor.

It landed with a thud before it broke into a bunch of pieces and Yoohyoen came running a second later.

Without giving you the chance to explain or apologize, she flipped out immediately.

"What did you do!?" She yelled and sat on the floor, trying to see if she could somehow fix it on her own.

But it was broken beyond repair and you both knew it.

"Yoo, I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear it! I told you not to touch it and what do you do? You touch it! This is exactly why I told you not to touch it!"

"I'm sorry!" You said as she groaned in frustration. "I didn't mean to. It was only an accident."

"Sure, whatever." She grumbled angrily.

"Do you hate me?"

Her anger faded slightly as she looked up at you.

You looked so sorry, so genuinely sorry, and she realized then that she'd greatly overreacted.

"I'll buy you a new one. I'll make it up to you, I swear!"

She sighed as she stood up and walked over to you.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way. I didn't mean to."

"No, I understand. You've been so excited about this and here I go breaking it right away. I'm very sorry."

"It's okay. I forgive you. I can just get a new one, it's no big deal." She said as she brushed her hand across your cheek.

You leaned into her touch and closed your eyes, thankful that everything was fine between you.

"I guess I am clumsy." You said and she laughed before nodding her head.

"I wouldn't lie to you, my love." She smiled before pulling you into her arms, whispering words of comfort as she promised you that everything was fine now.

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