towel prank (requested)

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Yoohyeon jumped at the sound of music beginning to play before she turned her head and looked across the room.

She found herself starting to smile a little as she noticed you were filming another TikTok, as you do almost every day.

Through your creativity and sweet personality, you've been able to gather a large following on your account.

Sure, some people might say that dating Yoohyeon helped you achieve that, she rarely appears in your videos and people seem to praise you for your fun and upbeat personality, proving those people wrong.

She loves seeing you express and enjoy yourself, so she usually watches and is supportive of you in the background.

It's early in the morning and you're both getting ready to go out for breakfast and spend a beautiful day together.

You took a shower, so you're dressed in only a towel, or so Yoohyeon thinks.

It's why she felt a little nervous as she watched you film this particular TikTok now.

She didn't say anything because she doesn't want to seem controlling or overprotective.

But she did feel a little apprehensive so she kept her eyes on you, planning to do so the whole time.

She listened to the music playing and watched you dance along to it, biting her lip as her eyes stayed on you every second.

Suddenly, she saw you starting to unwrap your towel and her heart nearly burst from her chest from the extreme anxiety she felt.

"No, y/n, don't do that!" She yelled as she rushed to your side, only for you to drop the towel at your feet.

At first, she panicked.

But then, she felt a rush of relief upon seeing that you were completely clothed.

Standing in a strapless black top and a pair of shorts, you were completely clothed.

Bursting into giggles over how quickly she rushed to you and how protective she immediately became of you, you threw your head back against her shoulders as her arms wrapped around you.

Her eyes were closed and her heart was now beginning to beat normally again, now that she knew you hadn't just flashed the world.

"I got you!" You laughed.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" She laughed. "I thought you didn't have anything on."

"You think I'd actually film and post a TikTok of myself nude?"

"I don't know what I was thinking. I just panicked." She giggled before kissing your neck. "I just don't want anyone else to see you that way."

"Well, you don't have to worry because no one ever will." You smiled before turning your head to kiss her lips.

"Good. Just don't scare me like that again. I don't need my hair to turn grey just yet."

You laughed before kissing her lips once more before she began to get dressed for your morning out.

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