guitars (requested)

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Yoohyeon leaned against the door of your shared room. She didn't say a word to you to announce her arrival home after a busy day, she was too proud to interrupt you.

She found herself smiling as she watched you play. The sound was beautiful and you were incredibly talented, always wowing Yoohyeon with your skills.

She bit her lip, stars in her eyes as she became absolutely captivated and stunned with how adorable you looked, fascinated as you'd occasionally crack a smile when you did yourself proud.

It was only when she shifted from one foot to the other and the floorboard creaked under her that you looked at her.

"How long have you been there?"

"Not nearly as long as I wish." She chuckled and walked to you. "You're so talented. I envy your skills."

You rolled your eyes but smiled brightly when she leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"You're sweet." You smiled, the sight making her heart flutter as you leaned in for a kiss. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, it was good. Tiring but good."

"Great. You can tell me all about it when I come back. I gotta get some water."

She nodded and watched you walk out the door before she looked at your guitar that you eft propped up against the pillow. You have two different guitars, an acoustic and electric, so you could learn both and explore your new passion.

She loves both and has recently taken some lessons as a surprise. She keeps trying to bring it up, but she hasn't found the right way to so far.

She couldn't resist the temptation to try to play a little now. She gently grabbed your electric guitar and strummed a few of the strings, creating a surprisingly pretty sound.

She continued to play, getting lost in the sound and the feeling of happiness the instrument provides. She wasn't even aware that you were leaning against the door, watching her like she'd done to you a few minutes ago.

This time, you were the one staring at her with stars in your eyes and a big smile you couldn't seem to fight back. She looked so precious, grinning from ear to ear as she felt immense pride and happiness. She was so good at it and you were mesmerized.


She looked over at you when she heard your voice.

"You can play?"

"Yeah." She said as you sat beside her. "I wanted to surprise you. I've been learning to play."

"You have?"

"Yeah. I know how much you love playing and how important it is to you and I thought it'd be kinda neat if I learned and surprised you. I didn't mean to have you find out this way. I've been trying to surprise you somehow,"

"Oh, you surprised me, alright." You interrupted and she laughed and laid her head on your shoulder. "You're doing great, Yoohyeon."


"Really. You're really good at it. I'm proud of you. It's not easy to learn but it is fun, isn't it?"

"So much fun!"

Your eyes lit up at her genuine enthusiasm and love for the guitar, and your passion.

"Maybe I should buy one and we could play together?"

"I'd love that." You agreed and she stole a kiss from your lips, already looking forward to those exciting times ahead with her.

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