she proposes (requested)

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"Yoohyeon!" You called out as you walked through the front door.

She was so enthused about you going out with your friends on a very sudden and unexpected afternoon of fun. You had no clue what it was about. Your friends said it was simply because they've missed you and wanted to hang out.

While it wasn't exactly untrue, it was more of your girlfriend's idea. She needed to get you out for a bit so she could decorate the bedroom for the surprise she has up her sleeve for you.

You felt bad for leaving so abruptly, only enough time to lay a kiss to your lips before your friends were dragging you away from her. So you were in search of her now, planning to throw your arms around her and cuddle her close again.

But first, you had to find her. Easier said than done in your spacious and oddly quiet house. You didn't give it much thought, simply thought Yoohyeon had fallen asleep while you were out.

You climbed the stairs, her name falling from your lips a few times as you walked down the hall and approached your shared room.

"Yoohyeon? Did you fall asleep or something, babe?" You asked, the question falling from your lips teasingly.

But when you walked into the room, you froze at what you saw.

The room was filled with silver and gold balloons. Flower petals were scattered across the floor and the lights were all off and the curtains were closed. The only lights were the candles across the tables and dressers.

You were speechless as you stared in awe, wondering what you had done in life to deserve someone as amazing as Yoohyeon.

Just then, she snuck up behind you. One arm went around you, the other behind her back.

"Hi, sweet girl." She mumbled against your neck as she planted kisses across your skin.

"Yoohyeon," you spoke breathlessly as you turned around, finding her smiling from ear to ear at you. "What's all this?"

"I wanted to do something special for my girl. Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? I love it! It's so beautiful."

"You're beautiful." She said before leaning in for a kiss on your cheek. "So beautiful, y/n. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"I ask myself the same question." You chuckled but she only shook her head while staring at you endearingly.

"I'm so lucky to have you, to call you mine. You're so supportive of me. Things aren't always easy with what I do but I know, at the end of each and every day, I've always got you. Through the good and the bad, you're always by my side. You're everything I've ever wanted."

You were tearful already. Her words were too much for your heart, making it melt and fill with love for the girl you adore more than anything else in this world.

"You're my best friend. The love of my life. I know I want to spend every single second of every day by your side. I want to spend forever with you."

Before you could even speak, she was getting down on one knee in front of you. She pulled her hand out from behind her back and you saw the ring in her hand.

It took your breath away immediately. It was so beautiful... almost as beautiful as the woman in front of you, that was on one knee, telling you she wanted nothing more than to spend forever by your side.

And again, you wondered what you did to deserve her. Because this was your dream; to spend forever with her, and she was ready to make it come true.

"I love you more than I ever imagined I could love anyone. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You exclaimed happily and got down on your knees in front of her. She pulled you in for a kiss... your first one as her fiancee.

She took your hand into her shaky one and slid the ring onto your finger. She dropped her forehead against your own, chuckling as happy tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you." She said as she leaned in for another kiss. "I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I'm so happy!" You spoke, tears falling from your eyes as you cupped her cheek in your hand that now held the most beautiful ring you'd ever seen before, with the promise of forever by her side. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said as she brought you in for a hug. "So much, my baby,"

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