Chapter 17

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Hans busied himself with Sitron, training, and reading all day. He suspected Elsa was out somewhere, and he didn't want to go scoping around for her, least people would ask why. He sighed quietly, putting down a book and lifting a hand. He played with his fire, creating different shapes of things, like flowers and leaves, the Corona Sun, and even Elsa's snowflakes. Hans sighed again, despite how beautiful his creations were.

Doesn't matter...people will always be afraid of me...

Hans frowned, creating a ball of fire and tossing it at his wash bowl, making it shatter and spill water, the fire sizzling away.

And who could ever love a beast...


Elsa sucked in a shaky breath, raising her fist to knock at a door.

"My Queen.."

Rolf cooed after he opened the door, taking Elsa's hand and bringing her inside. "Don't get any ideas, you brute." Elsa sneered, pulling her hand away. Rolf innocently raised his hands. "Alright, alright. What is it you need, then?"

"I've come to tell you..." Elsa took another deep breath. "I've excepted you...proposal." She told him, unable to meet his hungry gaze. "But on a condition." She raised her finger to silence him before he could speak. "Don't hurt Anna, don't hurt Kristoff, don't hurt anyone. Especially not Hans." Elsa said firmly, finally raising her eyes. Rolf was silent for longer then she liked before he finally spoke. "I suppose I can agree with that." He shrugged as if it were nothing. "But why must you be so concerned about my little brother? One would think you would have killed him by now." Rolf sneered.

"I don't kill. And he's proven himself worthy of forgiveness." Elsa snapped, placing a hand on the doorknob, ready to just leave already. Rolf scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Whatever you say, my Queen." He turned, and Elsa took that moment to open the door. "Oh, and see you on our wedding night." He called over his shoulder, wearing the same snake-like grin again. Elsa sneered and slammed the door behind her, furiously making her way to her library, a trail of frost in her wake. She slammed open and closed her door, sinking down into the chaise lounge. She frowned deeply, massaging her temples until she spotted something out of the corner of her eye.

Sweet red wine.

Elsa sighed; she rarely touched alcohol unless it was a ball or gala or all those other fancy parties. But maybe today could be an exception....

She grabbed the bottle and locked her library door.


"Hans? Have you seen Elsa?" Anna called through his door, knocking lightly. Hans raised a brow, going to open the door and facing the frantic princess. "I haven't, sorry." He scratched behind his neck, wondering where on earth Elsa could be if even her sister couldn't find her. Anna sighed, pacing in front of his door. "I tried her library door, but it was locked, so I assumed the council was meeting in there...but what if it is Elsa?" Anna asked, raising a brow of her own.

"But Elsa never locks her doors, now a days.." Hans mumbled, flushing in remembrance, and Anna nodded in innocent agreement. "We should go knock-" she said determinedly and started to pull Hans with her. "Wai whoa whoa whoa." Hans raised a hand. "Why do I need to come?" He asked then blushed more. "Because of she doesn't answer, you can use those fire powers you told me about yesterday." Anna said simply, and Hans had no choice but to follow.


Anna knocked once, twice, thrice, but there was still no answer from inside. The princess huffed, placing her hands on her hips and turning to Hans. "Well? Can you, like, melt the doorknob or something?" She asked, raising a brow. Hans rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. "I don't want to ruin any property..." He bit the inside of his cheek before backing up. "Hey! Please, try something-" Anna started, but was interrupted when Hans ran into the door with his shoulder, breaking the lock and slamming the door open. Anna gaped for only a moment before the two gingers went into the room. Elsa was sprawled out on her back on the lounge, giggling at the two. Her hair was undone and wildly sprawled around her like a halo. Her dress was wrinkled and out of place, showing off black stocking that ended at her thighs, and more cleavage shown then usual. "Why you bus' in here?" Elsa drunkly asked, slurring her words and giggling again.

"Oh," Anna gaped.
"My," Hans blushed furiously.


A/N: aaaaand I'm gonna have to continue this on the next chapter 😏

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