Chapter 11

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"Hurry up, Elsa!" Anna called from Kristoff's sled, looking up at the closed balcony door. After feeding Sven a carrot, then demanding him to share, Kristoff turned to his fiancé. "Anna, maybe she forgot, or got busy." He shrugged, taking a bite out of the half eaten carrot. Anna huffed, "It would have been nice if she would have told us-" The Princess grumbled, but was cut off when the Queen's balcony door burst open. "I'll be right out!" Elsa called. Her hair was completely undone, hanging down her back and stopping at her waist, like and icy waterfall. She was still in her nightgown, implying that she only just woke up. Anna smiled brightly, "Alright!" She called back, then turned to Kristoff. "Told you she'd come." She smiled smugly, and Kristoff innocently raised his hands and chuckled.


Elsa sprinted across her room, trying to get ready in half the time she usually did.

How on earth did I end up sleeping in?!

She yelped when she tripped on a book left open by Hans, while trying to put on her black boots, acting very much like Anna.

I must've had great dreams...

She mused, fumbling through her wardrobe, finally finding a gown of dark blue with even darker blues in swirly designs at the hem of the dress. She tossed on a grey fur cloak and left her hair in a wild braid, then rushed out of her room.

"There you are, slow-poke!" Anna laughed as her sister hopped into the sled, catching her breath. "Pardon me, I slept in." Elsa brushed her bangs out of her face, giggling behind her hand. "Elsa, you know you don't have to be such a Queen around us, right?" Anna laughed again, and Kristoff hopped in as well, nodding to Elsa awkwardly, and Sven started to take off. He clearly was still a little intimidated when speaking to the Queen and his soon to be Sister. Anna rolled her eyes at him, and he blushed. "You're so awkward." Anna said dramatically, and Kristoff made a noise in disbelief. "That is so unfair of you to say sense you're you." Kristoff laughed as Anna tried to look offended. Elsa giggled politely, but felt rather awkward herself. It really wasn't her place to be around them together. They were too absorbed in their love and their happiness, and it made her frown sadly, believing she'd never have anything like what they have.

Men want women who are warm, and flirty, and normal.

Elsa felt a knot form in her throat, and it became hard to swallow. As if she were about to-

No. Not here. Don't do this.

She scolded herself. Scolding herself for being so ungrateful; that she had her sister, her kingdom, and her home. But was it really so wrong to wish for love? Elsa rested her chin on her fist, her elbow resting on the side of the sled. Elsa sniffed quietly, and a lone tear ran down her face, then froze on her cheek.


Hans watched Elsa leave from his place in the gardens, hidden away. Elsa had granted him the freedom to roam around the castle, and he couldn't thank her enough for that; his room was getting rather stuffy. But he wondered what he ever did to deserve such a gift from Elsa, sense all he's ever done was be an awkward mess and her would-be murderer. He sulked, roaming around, looking at flower after flower. Autumn would be here soon, and the flowers would wither and die; he gave into his soft side and decided to look at the flowers while he had the chance.

"Well well,"

Hans spun around, and found Rolf stalking toward him. "Rolf," he snarled, standing straiter. Though Rolf was older, Hans and him were about the same height, and Hans looked slightly more well built then the older brother. "What kind of welcome is that, little brother?" Rolf asked innocently, placing his hands behind his back in a royal manner. "You don't deserve a welcome at all." Hans snapped, narrowing his eyes. Rolf chuckled, but his face darkened in moments. "I heard you've been spending quite a lot of time with my Queen." Rolf growled.

Hans paled, but kept up a fight. "She's been a gracious Queen; helping me with my powers and giving me the freedom I never had." Hans' lips tugged up in a half smile, and Rolf's snarl only deepened. "She's mine. I don't think It'd be smart of you to stay around her."

"She is not yours. She isn't anyone's; she's an independent woman who I'm sure wants nothing to do with an idiot like you." Hans spat, fisting his hand and just when it was about to connect with his jaw, Rolf moved away and gripped Hans' fist in his hand. "You would be wise not to mark me with your fist, might the Queen wonder where it came from." Rolf wore a smug smirk, letting go of his little brothers fist and straitening his jacket. "Good day, little brother," Rolf faked politeness, turning on his heal. "Oh, and Hans? Fairytales can't help you forever." Rolf called over his shoulder before disappearing inside the castle. Hans continued to stand in the gardens, completely struck by surprise.

How did he find out?!

Hans fisted his hands again and placed them at his sides, walking back inside the castle as well, with clenched teeth.


Elsa had apparently fallen asleep, because soon, Anna was shaking her shoulder and whispering "wake up" in her ear.

"Hmm..?" Elsa looked up, a little dazed. She brushed her bangs out of her face again and summoned an icy ribbon to tie around her head and keep them out of her eyes. "How are you sleepy when you slept in?" Anna giggled, then frowned slightly. "What's on your cheek..?" Anna whispered and pointed to Elsa's cheek. Elsa eyed her sister with confusion before touching her cheek gently. Elsa gasped too quietly to hear, and brushed away the frozen tear. "Just a snowflake that was blown on my face, I bet." Elsa forced a smile and Anna wearily looked at her sister, before shrugging.

"Pardon me, ladies, but we're here."

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