Chapter 30

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A/N: sadly, my darlings, this book is coming to an end 😰


If you have any ideas at all, I MAY be able to start part twoooo! So make sure to leave suggestions if you have any!💕


"Elsa! Quit moping around and go look for Hans! Kai can't find him!" Anna knocked rapidly on her sisters door. Elsa and Hans sat up quickly in bed, woken by the yelling of the princess. "O-oh, yes, okay! Give me a few minutes!" Elsa called, turning pink. The two waited until Anna's footsteps faded before starting to move around. Elsa stretched as Hans got out o bed and went to put on yesterday's clothes, a small smile on his lovely face. "Someone's happy after naps.." Elsa remarked, getting out of bed herself to put on a silk robe and wash her face in a basin. "Yes, but I'm just happy I'm around you; as always." He snuck a kiss on her cheek. Elsa giggled and blushed a little more, kissing his nose in return.

The couple knew all was not good and well. There was still the matter that they were in love, which defiantly wouldn't sit well with people. Those in the castle had learned and gotten to know Hans; they would probably be happy if they knew the two were in love. But then there was the townspeople... And of course they still needed to find Rolf! That bastard could come back and try to hurt her, or even worse, Hans, again.

Elsa sighed softly and watched Hans out of the corner of her eyes. He had finished dressing and sort-of-combing his fiery hair with his hand. A smile grew on her pink lips as his other hand reached towards the books on her bookshelf, skimming the titles. Turning to her wardrobe, the Queen threw on a springy dress, full of pastel colors and some flower patterns.

"Gorgeous, as always."

Elsa jumped and turned around, making Hans chuckle. "I didn't mean to scare you, my queen." He mumbled as he nuzzled her nose affectionately. "You are forgiven." Elsa responded in the best queenly tone she could muster while giggling.


"Elsa! There you are-" Anna jumped up from the table in the dining hall, smiling widely at her sister, until someone entered the room behind her. "Hans!" Anna exclaimed as well. She looked...

Oh god... Is Anna mad I'm with him? Wait, does she know we-

Elsa's thoughts were interrupted when her sister flung her arms around both her and Hans. "I'm so glad you both look so... happy!" Anna squealed and hugged them a little tighter before letting go. "I-I am too." Hans stuttered, a smile growing on his face; maybe people will be more excepting to him...

Breakfast went by smoothly. Actually, it went by perfectly. The royals talked and laughed, but conversation mostly stayed on Anna and Kristoff's wedding. Elsa and Hans weren't quite ready to announce their courting just yet.

But secretly, under the table, their hands were tightly and lovingly entwined.

Fate had a wonderful way of working out...

A Twist Of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz