Chapter 20

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"Chocolate. Gotta be chocolate." Anna insisted and put a forkful of more cake in her mouth. "Anna, you're only supposed to have one task of a cake." Elsa shook her head and giggled. "Yeah well..." Anna pouted and not-so-sneakily took another bite of cake. "Anna!" Kristoff ran into the kitchen, breathing heavily. "Oh, Queen Elsa!" He turned frantically to her as well. Elsa furrowed her brows and placed the plate of lemon cake she was holding onto the table. "Kristoff-" Anna gave a confused look as well before he cut the royal sisters off. "I was with Sven, *pant* and I heard two men talking, *pant* *pant* *pant*."

"Kristoff, slow down," Elsa placed a hand on his shoulder calmly while Anna went to get him a glass of water.

"No, Elsa, those men," Kristoff placed the glass of water on the table and took Anna's hand instead. "They were talking about..." He took a deep, shaky breath. "About assassinating you."

Anna and Elsa blanched. "W-what?" The princesses eyes widened and she turned from Kristoff to Elsa, back and forth many times. "I...I'm sure that plan won't work. My powers-" Elsa started to reason, but Kristoff was quick to extinguish the hope. "They said something about magic. That they had someone with powers that could kill you..." His voice slowly trailed off. The pieces all came together. Now, the only sound that could be heard, was the fire from the stove crackling, and their breathing. "No, I don't believe it." Elsa crossed her arms and looked anywhere but at the couple. "Elsa.." Anna looked sympathetically at her sister. "H-he said he's changed. I saw it in him." Elsa protested in a small voice. Could she believe that those men Kristoff was talking about had something to do with Hans..?

"Elsa, I, we, want you to be here for this wedding. And if what these men have said, that they're planning to kill you and use Hans as the weapon, then..." Anna touched her sisters shoulder lightly. Kristoff sighed, nodding in agreement with his fiancé, knowing what she had in mind. "Anna, wait-" Elsa looked up, looking like a child about to be punished. "I.. Elsa, I know how strong your powers are, but we don't know how strong his are. "Anna I know him I know he's not dangerous, please,"

If she tells me to stay away from him... Could I really betray my sister by not listening to her plea?

Anna sighed. "I can't make you do anything... But Elsa, please, I really don't want him near you... I want to believe he's changed, but for now..." Anna trailed off and Elsa matched her sigh. "...I know, I know... I'll... Stay away, for now..." Elsa promised quietly. "Thank you. You know I want you safe and alive. I love you," Anna squeezed Elsa's hand before turning to her soon to be husband. "I'm glad you heard this and told us," she kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand as well. Elsa looked to her sister and smiled softly. "You really have grown up, Anna..." Elsa hugged the princess gently. "While still managing to be as spunky as ever," Kristoff added with a small chuckle. The girls giggled and nodded. After a moment, they went to lock the kitchen doors, and continued cake testing.


Hans closed the book he just finished and stood.

I really need to stop borrowing Elsa's books...

He scolded himself and went to open his door to go return it. The halls were dark, the candles not yet lit by the servants. Hans placed a hand on the wall to feel his way around, but that apparently wasn't good enough. He suddenly collided with a figure, making him fall back. "What the-" he shook his head and looked up. "....Rolf..? What the hell?" He sat up only to be punched in the arm by his brother. "Will you shut up?!" He whispered harshly, looking around before quickly darting off. "You never saw me. If you tell anyone, I'll make you pay." He threatened over his shoulder before disappearing. Hans furrowed his brows in such confusion, before turning to look where he head came from.

....the servants exit way....?

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