Chapter 5

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Elsa had spent the rest of the day in her room, pacing, pondering over her swirling of thoughts.

He was right.

And she didn't like that.

But, here she was, again running from her problems. She silently cursed herself for that. And as all his words sunk in, she choked on a sob and sat down on a chaise lounge. She didn't like to seem weak, either. She was a strong, independent, woman. Right?


So, she brushed away a single tear that fell, and tried her damned hardest to forget all about the things at hand. And she was doing a very good job at it; reading books, finishing normal paperwork, helping Anna with those invitations...but apparently, Elsa still seemed to look distressed, and Anna's curiosity got to her and she had to ask what was wrong. Elsa hadn't meant to snap, of course, but...

I wonder what she's up to now,

Elsa wondered, again sitting at her desk. Then, as an after though...

I wonder what he's up to now,

But immediately after, she shook her head, dismissing the thought. Or she tried to, at least.

That was so ignorant of me to do. Why did I run again?

She scolded herself, drumming her fingers on the wood.

Maybe I should- no.

No, she wouldn't go back again, especially sense Anna was so worried about her.


Sighing, she stood up and rid herself of her dress, took out the braid and put it in a messy bun, and wrapped herself in a robe. A few moments later, the maids she summonded to get a warm bath for her left, and the Queen let the robe drop to ground and she climbed in. Being a weilder of ice and snow, the cold was what she always felt. But it was Heaven to be warm.

Elsa sighed contently as she sunk into the steaming bath water. She always envyed Anna; she was always able to feel warmth, especially when Kristoff embraced her. Anna always hugged Elsa, too, but it would never be the same as someone who romantically loves her. Oh, what she would give to be able to have a man hold her, comfort her... But no such luck- courtships never went in her favor sense the men were too afraid to touch even her hand.

Elsa sighed again and brought her knees to her chest, resting her head on her knees. She was so curtain that she would never be intimately touched or loved. But, she did keep slight distance from men, too. Obviously that didn't help. An icy tear slipped down her face, and Elsa immediately brushed it away. She wouldn't let herself feel pity for what she didn't have. She had to be greatful, be strong.

But that was getting hard to do.

Reaching out to grab a cloth from the counter, she heard a knock on her bathroom door.

"Yes?" She called, slightly confused, looking at the door as if she could see through it. She heard someone clear there throat behind the door. A deep sound, it was. Male.

"Your Majesty..."


"There's a bit of a problem..."

"What!?" She jumped out and threw on a robe, throwing open the door. Hans looked at her for only a moment before looking away with a quite flushed face. Elsa huffed in annoyance and confusion. "What is it? How did you get out?"

" see..." He still refused to meet her gaze for a reason she did not know. Elsa huffed again, "spit it out!"

He walked to her doorway, which she stupidly forgot to lock, and pointed to his 'room' at the end of the hall.

There were servents starting to rush over to it with buckets of water because, oh look at that, there was smoke and a small sign of flames coming from it. "Hans!!" She looked at him in disbelief before shooting ice from both hands and immediately freezing his room before the fire could spread. The servants stopped in there tracks, and stared at the Queen. Elsa pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please, start cleaning up, I'll be back out in a moment." Elsa turned and went into her room, leaving the door open. Hans swallowed and followed her in, his head still down.

How am I supposed to focus when she's wearing that!?

"What the Hell, Hans!?" She closed her door. "I should just put you back in the dungeon if you're going to try and burn down the castle!"

Why didnt I already do that? Ugh, all the stress of Anna's wedding must have distracted me...

Before she could open her mouth again, Hans spoke.

"It was an accident! I am sure you, of all people, can understand how hard it is to control a damned curse!"

A/N: aha, forgive me for this weird ending! This chapter was getting long so I decided to continue it onto chapter 6. 😆

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