Chapter 10

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A/N: eeeek duet time!! 😆The song they're singing is right up there^, I highly recommend listening to it!💕


Elsa was the first to move. She took Hans' hand in hers, lacing her fingers with his. "What are you-" Hans started to asked, but Elsa cut him off. "See how long you can go without burning my hand."

Hans stared at her. "But I don't want to hurt you." He murmured. "Don't worry. You won't." Elsa assured him with a small smile. After a moment of silence, Hans started to get rather blushy, so he closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. Elsa closed her eyes too, but breathing wasn't the only thing she did.

"Mother cannot guide you're on your own.." She sang softly, almost to quiet to hear. Hans opened his eyes, seeing Elsa with her eyes still closed, both confused and interested. "Only me beside you...still, you're not alone."

Her voice was like beautiful bells ringing around the room. "no one is alone, truly, no one is alone. Mother isn't here now,"

Elsa was about to stop, feeling embarrassed, when suddenly-

"Wrong things, right things."

A deep voice sang. Hans.

"who knows what she's say?" Elsa sang in response.

"Who can say what's true?"

"Nothing's quite so clear now,"

"Do things, fight things."

"Feel you've lost your way?"

"You decide but,"

"You are not alone.." They started to harmonize, both there eyes closed again, for fear of loosing it if they looked at each other.

"Believe me, no one is alone," Elsa sang.

"No one is alone, believe me." Was Hans' response.


"People make mistakes." They were louder with their voices, now.



"People make mistakes, holding to their own, thinking their alone." Their hands gripped together tighter.

"Honor their mistakes, everybody makes,"

"Fight for their mistakes,"

"One another's terrible mistakes," Hans finally opened his eyes, not even noticing how much control he had over his powers at the moment. "Witches can be right. Giants can be good. You decide what's right. You decide what's good."

Elsa opened her eyes as well during their pause, meeting his gaze.

"Someone is on your one is alone..."

They finished, and watched each other in silence. The urge to lace his fingers in her soft hair and press her sweet lips to his was almost too much to bare.

They were closer then he remembered.

When it seemed like Elsa would actually kiss him, she brought their hands between them and kissed his hand. "See?" She murmured, looking up at him with beautiful crystal eyes. "I knew you could do it."


Rolf frowned from the other side of the Queens door.

What does that Red bastard think he's doing with my Queen?!

He growled internally, straining to hear more. He was walking past her door when he heard the queen murmur "I knew you could do it."

After that, there was a long silence, sounding like no one was moving or talking, or even breathing. Rolf forced himself not to bang his fist on Elsa's door in frustration. Elsa was supposed to be his! The whole reason why he came to this place was to get his hands on the Queen!

Damn, with ice powers like that, she must be kinky...

Rolf was taken out of his demented thoughts when he heard his little brother chuckle nervously. "I- thank you, Your Majesty. I mean Elsa. I mean-"

Ugh, my brother is such an idiot.

Then he heard the Queen giggle. "Hans," she snickered at his awkwardness. "You're welcome. Powers aren't as hard to control as they seem."

She's helping him with his freak powers?!

Rolf sneered and left the doorway, stomping down the hall.

A Twist Of Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें