Chapter 6

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Elsa fell silent. She crossed her arms under her breasts, and right then Hans sighed.

"Your Majesty..." His face was no less red and he pointed to her vanity mirror. Elsa gaze him a look of confusion before turning around.

Oh, God.

Elsa yelped and shot behind her changing screen. Of course her robe stuck to her wet body and framed her breasts, and more specificity, her pink nipples. Her blush matched Hans', who awkwardly stood there, fiddling with his hands like Elsa usually did.

"M-my apologizes!" She called from behind the screen, tearing the robe from her body, a classic ice gown appearing in its place. Hans watched the silhouette of her in a strange trance. She stepped out, finally, despite never wanting to see anyone ever again from embarrassment. Thank God she was to far away for the servants to see. She found Hans staring at her and crossed her arms again.

"What?!" She snapped. Hans pressed his lips together, and instead of looking away and being embarrassed, he simply- "pardon me, Your Majesty."

Elsa sighed. "I'm sorry I snapped. I'm sorry I was harsh on you for an accident." She plopped down on the edge of her bed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm just stressed, okay?"

Hans watched her, silent the whole time; It started to look like she was fighting off tears. He was about to speak, when suddenly-


Anna knocked on her door loudly, sounding quite excited. "There's a ship in the fjord!!"

Elsa looked up. "What?"

"Yeah! Ya know, I think there's a prince on the ship!" The Princess called in a sing-song voice. Elsa looked at Hans for a moment before Anna spoke again. "Hay....why is Hans' room covered in ice...?"

Elsa stood up and whispered to Hans, "stay in here, please." With begging eyes. He simply nodded. "I'm coming, Anna."


Anna was skipping and trying- but failing -to hold in giggles. One kingdom had responded to her letter, though it was from the Southern Isle, the Kings letter assured that the rest of his sons were, quote, civilized.

"Anna, what on earth are you up to?" Elsa wrung her hands together, looking back up to her bedroom balcony and, thankfully, spotted Hans watching them.

Hans narrowed his eyes at the ships flag that Elsa apparently hadn't noticed yet. The Southern Isle flag!? He scowled. What does my family want now!?

"You'll see!" Anna sang, tugging Elsa along. A tall, dark haired prince began to step off the ship, looking around with a smug smile. "Arendelle..." He murmered, then spotted Elsa. His brow shot up and his smug smile didn't lessen. "Arendelle's Queen..."

Anna shoved Elsa forward, and only then did she spot the prince and the ships flag.

Oh, great...

"Queen Elsa!" The prince walked toward her and took her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. Elsa swallowed vile. "Prince Rolf, of the Southern Isle."

Hans growled and slammed the door of Elsa's balcony. Rolf. What was he doing here!? Out of all the brothers, Rolf was the one he couldn't stand the most. He was always looking for some bar woman to bed, getting his brothers to pick on Hans, and was completely full of himself to a great disgust. Hans prayed to the Lord Almighty that he wasn't here to torment him further. The past haunts the darkest corners of his mind.

Mothers death is your fault!

You were an accident!

You can't do anything good!

Father is crazy because of you!

Oh, Hans...if only there were someone out there who loves you...

Hans shut his eyes, fighting off his own tears.


The three gathered in the gardens for some, what Anna called, 'welcoming tea'. "I-I was not informed of your arrival..!" Elsa forced a laugh, mentally scolding Anna. Rolf chuckled. "But it was my pleasure to accept her invitation nonetheless." Elsa offered a smile and chuckled nervously. "What, might I ask, did this invitation say?" Elsa inquired and looked over at Anna, who was munching on a cookie. "Why, to ask your hand in courtship, of course!" Rolf smiled proudly and Elsa almost spit out her tea. " that so?" She managed to say. Both Anna and Rolf nodded.

Great. This will be a long day.

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